
To test(a criminal suspect,for example) with a polygraph.


To test(a criminal suspect, for example) with a polygraph.


He agreed to take a polygraph.


Do polygraphs work? Not really, experts say. Use these tips instead.


A convicted sex offender, released on parole, submits to a polygraph test.


You can guess, of course, whether the man was answering truthfully -today's polygraphs cannot.


Polygraph Operator: I'm going to ask you a series of control questions.


A convicted * offender, released on parole, submits to a polygraph test.


Polygraph, its work's very similar to any other biofeedback instrument.


You can guess, of course, whether the man was answering truthfully - but today's polygraphs cannot.


Klaatu: My body is. Polygraph Operator: Do you feel pain? Klaatu: My Body does.


Polygraph Operator: Are you aware of an impending attack on the planet earth?


A polygraph test is also questionably used as a psychophysiological detection of deception (PDD) examination.


Polygraph examinations are inadmissible in Australia courts as evidence.Explain why.


The polygraph only tells you if someone is feeling guilty. It doesn's tell you what they're feeling guilty about.


PG multi-channel polygraph is composed of unit, sensor, WINDOWS software platform and printer.


Recruits will have to pass rigorous background and medical checks, as well as a polygraph, or lie-detector test.


The camera caught six out of eight liars as they were lying - the same lie-detecting ability as the polygraph test.


This part still points out further that owing to its specialty, polygraph conclusion has a limited weight of proof.


Law enforcement officials try to tap into that effort, for example with polygraphs, to find out if a suspect is telling the truth.


Conclusion:It is simple and reliable to determine systolic time interval with 4-channel polygraph.


The investigators say they need to validate this initial result and compare the technique with polygraphs and other lie detection tools.


He revealed that half the officers in a key unit failed a polygraph test last year.


They asked them whether they had stolen $20 and then recorded their answers with a standard polygraph test and the new camera.


Methods:4-channel polygraph is used to determine systolic time intervals four indexes(LVET,Q-S2,PEP,PEP/LVET)by means of carotid arteriogram.


We also acknowledge the use of hanging does not allow the use of high-tech polygraph is to prevent the spread of plug-island adventure, the result?


August 16 - Pacific USA Naturals Bodybuilding and Figure Championships (bodybuilding polygraph tested) in Anaheim, CA. NQ Team Universe.


Testing can be done on urine samples, but in many cases a less expensive polygraph (lie detector) test is performed instead.


The camera also correctly identified 11 of the 12 people who were telling the truth - a slightly better rate than the polygraph.


But, truth be told, the polygraph is a crude tool that the esteemed National Research Council says has extremely serious limitations.


Police had received more than 500 leads in the investigation. On Tuesday, they gave the baby's father, James Woods, a polygraph test, which he passed.


A debate over this began in 1966 when a lie detector expert, Cleve Backster, connected a plant to a polygraph (lie detector).


Police had received more than 500 leads in the investigation. On Tuesday, they gave the baby's father, James Woods, a polygraph test, which he pa ed.


Usage of polygraph may promote the rate of solving cases, therefore it can attack criminal effectively and protect people.


Pavlidis and J Levine,"Thermal image analysis for polygraph testing", IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology,21(6):56-64,2002.


This includes honesty, psychological, and personality tests, genetic screening, substance abuse tests and polygraph examinations.


After repeated questionings and nine polygraphs, I was eventually cleared and to the relief of friends and family, I am officially no longer considered a terrorist threat.


The relevant factors include news judgment,political judgment, personal responsibility ,polygraph and other external uncertain factors.


A polygraph test consists of four to six sensors attached to a person's body to record breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure, and perspiration.


The problem with all polygraph tests are false positives. Innocent people can false if they feel an increase in any emotion, angry, fear, sexual arousal. Not just guilty.


With the improvement of polygraph technology and test methods, more and more people have realized the scientific nature and the use value of polygraph technology.


When you listen to such happy talk, it'd be fun to hook each member of this mahogany row to a polygraph so she'd dish on what it's really like to work here.


The researchers took all 20 people into an interrogation room. They asked them whether they had stolen $20then recorded their answers with a standard polygraph testthe new camera.


In such cases, the polygraph will be able to use scientific methods to the analysis of the part of the solution to this problem, and ultimately in the ratings last be rewarded.


"Have you ever told even one lie?" Asks the examiner. "No," says the man - and the needles on the polygraph machine barely shift from their rhythmic movements.


The producers devise questions after interviewing friends and family members, and they are posed to the contestant separately with a polygraph machine before the taping.


"Have you ever told even one lie?" asks the examiner. "No," says the man -the needles on the polygraph machine barely shift from their rhythmic movements.


Her supervisor then picked up the phone, still dying with laughter, she said, Sir for 240 million anyone in this room could make themselves pass a polygraph.


Polygraphy tests do not detect lies, says Frank Horvath, past president of the American Polygraph Association.They detect physiological arousal to psychological stimuli.


"Have you ever told even one lie?" asks the examiner."No," says the man - and the needles on the polygraph machine barely shift from their rhythmic movements.
