
The supposed force, principle, or power that predetermines events.


A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.


Teaches, demonstrates, or guides others in order to bring up a predetermines standard.


To a great degree, the internal basis of the villages predetermines the performance of the institution and governance.


According to the theory of service profit chain, the organization's internal service quality predetermines its external quality.


A male-dominated culture, as is reflected in the games, predetermines the impossibility of women's pursuit of social self.


This particularity in "producing society" predetermines people's simultaneous making of "classes" and "citizens" on the level of social action.


A society that values learning predetermines the need to recognize the necessity and significance of the further education of teachers in higher education.


After the Cold War, Ukraine'significant strategic location in the world geo-politics map predetermines her sandwiched position between the East and the West, and she unavoidably becomes the focal object of East-West competition.


The name of the fifth generation is characteristic of new historical school, which, in integrating the cultural map of Chinese films, predetermines the name of the "sixth generation" directors.


The name of the fifth generation is characteristic of new historical school,which,in integrating the cultural map of Chinese films,predetermines the name of the "sixth generation"directors.


There may be no constraining to winter swimming, even for therapeutic purposes, since it is being mentally ready that to a large extent predetermines the effectiveness of this method.


"I don't think he predetermines any move that he's going to make," Brewer said."If you back up off of him and play soft, he's going to come down and dribble the ball and pull up for a three[-pointer].


the supposed force,principle,or power that predetermines events
