
The prexy broke the tied vote.


Screen Gems prexy Clint Culpepper has cut similar deals with T.


Huang Shengmin of prexy of advertisement of Chinese medium university says.


Ceng Renna opens prexy of director of university economy institute, economy.


Qi Ming, the prexy of South China University of Technology Electron Business College, is an expert on how to innovate.


Wang Houjun(the vice-president of UEST) and the prexy of computer&software showed their heads.


Before holding the position of Hubei economy prexy, lv Zhongmei ever had held the position of Hubei to save assistant dean of senior people court.


The conference learns university of director, Sichuan to be spun gently by Sichuan province leather with food prexy Chen Wuyong is chaired.


This prophecy is computer science Buddhist nun of go smoothly of prexy of project of university of professor, Stanford puts forward on the west.


Vice presidential hopeful Lloyd Bentsen gets an earful from Long Island Association prexy James LaRocca at Crest Hollow Club,Westbury,L.I.,where he got lukewarm reception yesterday.


Vice presidential hopeful Lloyd Bentsen gets an earful from Long Island Association prexy James LaRocca at Crest Hollow Club, Westbury, L.I., where he got lukewarm reception yesterday.


Tian Yi of secretary of prexy of the medical courses in general in China says, without what tumour chief expert, also hope in vain without specially invite professor and, it is swindle and bluff.


" Huang Shengmin of prexy of advertisement of Chinese medium university says.


6. Qi Ming, the prexy of South China University of Technology Electron Business College, is an expert on how to innovate.


2. Qi Ming, the prexy of South China University of Technology Electron Business College, is an expert on how to innovate.


9 see joke: Flower king Charles 2 worlds are perambulatory institute of Oxford testament writing that, ask prexy whether give him the picture of Charles generation.

9看笑话: 英王查尔斯二世巡视牛津大学圣约翰学院那,问学院院长能否把查尔斯一世的画像给他。

The course is checked, tian Yi of secretary of prexy of the medical courses in general in China expresses, this courtyard never has had what tumor chief expert;



n. 主管人, 学院院长