
He is propitiated with hymns, songs, and prayers.


Christ expiated the sins and propitiated the divine wrath for all his people.


But now Christ has died, and God is satisfied, and there is no need to ask Him to be propitiated.


Indonesians, who are said to believe the dragons are reincarnations of their ancestors, have in the past propitiated them by sacrificing goats.


The phrase, "the Hand of..." was used to indicate the divine entity responsible for the ailment in question, who could then be propitiated by the patient.


But the tax collector, standing at a distance, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, God, be propitiated to me, the sinner!


Ganesh, the elephant headed god of wisdom and success is the defender and remover of obstacles and has to be propitiated first before worship to other gods.


And for one who will study this most righteous discourse of ours; I shall be propitiated by that as a performance of sacrifice of wisdom; this is My proclamation.


Lk. 18:13 But the tax collector, standing at a distance, would not even lift up his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, God, be propitiated to me, the sinner!


By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.


In fact, Shiva is also known as Bhola Shankara because he is a deity easily propitiated;


was used to indicate the divine entity responsible for the ailment in question, who could then be propitiated by the patient.


" was used to indicate the divine entity responsible for the ailment in question, who could then be propitiated by the patient.


70) And for one who will study this most righteous discourse of ours;I shall be propitiated by that as a performance of sacrifice of wisdom;this is My proclamation.


1. By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.


(11)By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.


1.By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated;the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.


5.By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.
