
A lunar occultation of a quasar.


Quasar is short for quasi-stellar radio source.


A radio galaxy is related to, but appears larger than, a quasar.


The quasar lies at a redshift of 1.41.


The fuzzy object near top quasar image is the foreground galaxy.


QSO B0104+321 is a quasar located in the constellation Pisces.


This ferocious heart of brilliant hot gas is called a quasar.


Einstein Cross Gravitational Lens, which is back lit by distant quasar.


Finally, does the brightness of each quasar fluctuate in exactly the same way?


This research suggests that not all supermassive black holes were formed in the quasar era.


Petitjean and Scannapieco are working together on the clustering of heavy elements observed in quasar spectra.


Scannapieco and Petitjean are working together on the clustering of heavy elements observed in quasar spectra.


The project is now approaching the halfway point in its goal of measuring one million galaxy and quasar redshifts.


They do so by combining quasar spectra with numerical simulations of structure formation.


A 2003 mine-clearing operation in the port of Um Quasar, Iraq, was a major test for autonomous underwater vehicles.


With only its hot whirling quasar within its reach, the black hole would swallow that up and then stop feeding.


The five bright white points near the cluster center are actually images of a single distant quasar.


Consequently, researchers conclude that the innermost parts of a quasar are hotter and bluer than the outer parts.


Therefore,quasar absorption lines are important cosmological probes of formation and evolution of galaxies.


Based on QSO spectrum features, a Quasar Stellar Object Recognition model is built.


Quartet master classes include the Helios Quartet, the US Marine Quartet (USA) and Quasar Quartet (Canada).


QUASAR OH471 brings the image of the souls mission and purpose into view in a most unique and magical way.


The effect depends on the size of the quasar: the smaller it is, the more abruptly the brightness varies.


The PAT produces comparative and independent analysis of portfolios and maintains lead model portfolios on Quasar.


In short, quasar activity, like star formation, was more vigorous in the distant past, a third sign that we live in relatively boring times.


The most powerful such object is a quasar, which emits a huge amount of radio, infrared, ultraviolet, X-ray, and gamma-ray energy.


Last September they put their plan into action when Jupiter passed close to the line of sight between Earth and a quasar.


The Properties of quasar absorption lines are introduced and the new progress in study of QSO absorption lines is reviewed.


Then we found that the transformation from Quasar to Seyfert galaxy is so obvious that we could easily find the relation between them.


This supermassive black hole was in the very ordinary galaxy right next door to us. Andromeda seemed to have a black hole but no bright quasar.


Spacewalking astronauts installed an 88-million-dollar spectrograph designed to detect faint light from faraway quasar .


Besides, based on the knowledge of quasar available at present, we successfully establish the relation between the emission spectrum and redshifts. 2.

2.研究了发射峰识别的三种方法 我们根据类星体光谱和专家知识,提出了三种识别发射峰的方法。

To test for problems of this kind, we substituted calibration data for the quasar data and analyzed them, pretending they were quasar data.


After a while, this quasar has eaten all the available fuel and falls asleep until new gas falls into the center, waking it up.


If observers see a quasar brighten and then dim in a particular way, they can infer that a star passed in front and briefly magnified its image.


During these growth spurts, the accreting gas shines much more brightly than the entire rest of the galaxy, producing a quasar.


By monitoring caustic crossings using various color filters, astronomers can reconstruct the brightness profile of the quasar.


Spacewalking astronauts installed an 88-million-dollar spectrograph, designed to detect faint light from faraway quasar.


A newly discovered quasar deep in the constellation Cetus the Whale is by far the most distant object ever found in our Universe.


This quasar lit up the nearby gas, and although the quasar has since gone out, the light from it is still travelling to the object.


We needed high-precision laboratory measurements against which to compare the quasar spectra, so we persuaded experimenters to undertake them.


The main purposes of quasar recog-nition are to identify the emission peaks in an observable quasar spectrum and to determine the observable quasar’s redshift value.


But researchers didn't know whether the magnetic fields were part of the quasar or were present in galaxies encountered by quasar light as it made its journey to our telescopes.


Due to the inaccuracy of such a template, it is hard to determine the redshift value by matching the observed quasar spectrum with the template directly.

在本课题的研究中, 我们选用了主分量分析方法来构造静止发射谱的模板,因此所构造的模板更加 接近实际情况。

Quasar recognition is a new interdisciplinary subject, which involves astronomy, physics, signal processing, image processing, artificial intelligence and pattern recognition.

类星体自动识别研究是一个新兴的课题,它涉及天文学、物理学、信号与 图象处理、人工智能、模式识别等多方面的知识。

The intrinsically bright nucleus of a young, active galaxy powered by a supermassive black hole, the quasar was recently identified as one of the most distant objects known.


Scientific American, January].The acceleration relates to lensing because it makes the universe larger, which increases the probability that a quasar will be lensed.


The QUASAR study was funded principally by the UK Medical Research Council, the Imperial Cancer Research Fund, the Cancer Research Campaign, and the Department of Health.


Small galaxies may lie in cooler environments because they may not have heated their surrounding regions of gas to the same extent that the big galaxies did through supernova explosions and quasar energy.


An astronomer using the array can peer deep into the core of a quasar some 12 billion light-years distant for an unparalleled close-up of jets of matter shooting out at speeds approaching that of light.
