
Another proprietary antibody that binds to CD20, called tositumomab, is radioactively labelled.


The metabolic pathways of organic compounds have often been delineated by using a radioactively labeled substrate and following the fate of the label.


Each time, a portion of Earth was blown to bits again, unleashing radioactively charged serpents to crawl into those remaining alive nearby.


Method:They added radioactively labeled LDL to culture dishes containing a single layer of fibroblasts derived from either FH-afflicted or normal human subjects.


An image recorded on a photographic film or plate produced by the radiation emitted from a specimen, such as a section of tissue, that has been treated or injected with a radioactively labeled isotope or that has absorbed or ingested such an isotope.


Using radioactively labeled elements he demonstrated that the region of maximum absorption of water is a few centimeters behind the root tip and that quantities of minerals are absorbed passively in the transpiration stream.


When the points of cutting are determined by using radioactively end-labeled DNA and then DNA is denatured and electrophoresed, a ladder of the sort displayed in Figure 19.12 is obtained.


it forms actinium when it radioactively decays.

名称由来:Greek: proto and actinium (parent of actinium);

radioactively labelled substance


radioactively labeled DNA probe


Soil Cleanup Levels in Remedying Radioactively Contaminated Sites in America


Decontamination of radioactively contaminated surfaces. Testing method of decontamination agents for textiles


an image recorded on a photographic film or plate produced by the radiation emitted from a specimen,such as a section of tissue,that has been treated or injected with a radioactively labeled isotope or that has absorbed or ingested such an isotope
