
A ramshackle cabin in the woods.


His colleagues were a ramshackle bunch.


Their first car was a ramshackle affair.


It is a one-story, ramshackle structure.


These ramshackle buildings have fallen down.


At the big ramshackle Baffles Hotel Rule dropped their bags.


A ramshackle but representative parliament took office in 2005.


Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the ramshackle house, a vast load of firewood on her back.


It was a poor area, even worse than the photos had shown.The houses were small and ramshackle.


The widespread assumption is that the Democrats will nevertheless form a ramshackle coalition.


The door of the ramshackle farmhouse opened, and Mrs.Hobbs introduced herself to a family in a desperate situation.


Through the haze I picked out the occasional red flag among rather ramshackle housing and nondescript developments.


Neither, they say, has materialized, and the two are living in ramshackle quarters on the capital city's shabby fringe.


"People call us ramshackle but I'm from the old school and I love this kind of old stadium.


They worked out on a ramshackle bench press;jumped rope in the dust;or played spades.


Indonesia is both the world's largest Muslim country and a democracy, albeit of a ramshackle and imperfect kind.


Every afternoon a very old woman hobbled past the ramshackle house,a vast load of firewood on her back.


Flashes of lighting lit up the courts,old houses,and ramshackle porches,and thunder begins to roar overhead.


Here in Beiping, suppose you are living amidst the city's teeming millions in a ramshackle house that you have rented.


McCartney layers the ramshackle rhythm tracks with odd sound effects and off-kilter arrangements.


From the start we were in a race: could we find Grivas before the Colonial Office stitched up a ramshackle deal?


The Burrow includes a rather large, ramshackle house, a garage, a garden with a small lake, and yards surrounded by hedges.


All this was true,but this trap, this ramshackle old vehicle, this thing, whatever it was, ran on its two wheels and could go to Arras.


It occurred to me that cleared of its ramshackle fences and planted with flowers and grass, it might form a pleasant park.


Hired to tutor four orphaned girls at remote, ramshackle Aldwick Castle, Miss Concordia Glade is pleased to find her pupils both eager and bright.


Crack is sold openly in several neighborhoods of Bluefields, where groups of young men waiting for customers stand in front of ramshackle houses.


The Balts are also well placed to advise other countries how to turn rough-and-ready, ramshackle armies into something more professional.


What began in 1960 as a ramshackle nursery for Tibetan orphans has grown into almost 80 schools across India, Nepal, and Bhutan.


In fact, looking around Post’s ramshackle home in Pennsylvania, you’d never suspect that in 1988 he won $16.2 million.


Paris is a city of vast, noble perspectives and intimate, ramshackle streets, of formal espaces vertes (green open spaces) and of quiet squares.


The ramshackle restaurant with the lipstick-red posts sets out bottles of hot sauce as centerpieces and serves about 25 cheeseburgers per day.


East of Xinhe is the town of Li Hong, home to a ramshackle clinic billed as a Snail-Fever Control Centre.It still receives up to 30 patients a day.


Showers followed me along the potted road that runs through misty gorges and ramshackle hamlets to the village in which Yang Yali was raised.


All this was true; but this trap, this ramshackle old vehicle, this thing, whatever it was, ran on its two wheels and could go to Arras.


Dharavi stands on just a square mile of land - reckoned to be worth more than $10bn - and houses about 600,000 people in ramshackle buildings.


Ramshackle house with a wicker door and makeshift windows fashioned out of broken jars; the house of an impoverished family.


After three harrowing weeks on a ramshackle boat, he and 72 fellow Africans were dumped in the sea by their captain off Turkey's Aegean cast.


The third rat drank our Chinese liquors, ramshackle spirit erguotou - a dozen paces go back, and finally back is a nest.


Claggert's house looked like something out of a Ma and Pa Kettle movie: unpainted, a ramshackle porch, an old car up on blocks, and a bunch of kids running around barefoot.

克拉杰特的房子看上去好像出自一个叫《爹妈壶》的电影片:没有粉刷,走廊摇摇晃晃,一辆旧汽车用大木头块架了起来。 还有一群孩子光着脚丫到处跑。

DUBLIN( Reuters)- A ramshackle public toilet could fetch300,000 euros($384,000)-- the price of a new house-- if politicians in western Ireland get their way.


Outside the perimeter , ramshackle North Korean houses with plastic sheeting for windows and balconies laden with straw are a stark contrast to the gleaming new buildings inside.


A "non-citizen" of law-abiding Estonia may enjoy more state protection than a subject of some ramshackle place where state power is either absent or murderous.


Retired doctor Hu Yuan, 80, runs one of the few remaining refuges for abandoned pets in her ramshackle home in the ancient Long Tou Jing area of Beijing.

已退休的医生胡元, 80 ,违背了其中的少数仅存的庇护所,为被遗弃的宠物,她摇摇欲坠的家中古代长头婧面积北京。

But he had never considered this an imposition and had actually sometimes felt a sense of superiority, because the pullers of ramshackle rickshaws could not afford carbide lamps.

可是在平日,他并不觉得这有什么说不过去; 有时候揣上它,他还觉得这是一种优越,那些拉破车的根本就用不上电石灯。

Listening to wind-bell to bite along with wind dingdong is become, admire a head to look at that ramshackle blue, really relaxed mood arises spontaneously.


A “non-citizen” of law-abiding Estonia may enjoy more state protection than a subject of some ramshackle place where state power is either absent or murderous.


In 1779, sailing the ramshackle Le Bonhomme Richard, Jones encountered a convoy of British merchantmen under the escort of the royal naval ship Serapis.


I felt a stir of panic by the time we climbed into the van for the bumpy, sweaty ride back from a ramshackle village where women followed us waving batik shirts and purses.


Every day, a fatherless boy gazed at the fence separating his family’s ramshackle cabin from the Glen Lakes Country Club golf course on the outskirts of Dallas.


Outside the perimeter, ramshackle North Korean houses with plastic sheeting for windows and balconies laden with straw are a stark contrast to the gleaming new buildings inside.
