
The battery recharges itself.


A hybrid car that recharges by simply plugging into the wall.


O groundwater recharges the mine through buried outcrop of bedrock laterally.


Your shots are piped over to your computer via the cradle which also recharges the batteries.


It's also very easy to set limits on sub account usage as well as auto or manual recharges for each sub account.


Electric cars need frequent recharges and solar-powered vehicles of course need the sun.


Whether it's exercise, a hot bath or favorite TV show, find an activity that recharges your batteries.


This power adapter recharges the lithium polymer battery while the system is off, on, or in sleep mode.


Your shots are piped over to your computer via e cradle which also recharges the batteries.


Several partial discharges with frequent recharges are better for lithium-ion than one deep one.


Fast Charge recharges your battery up to 90% within 90 minutes when the system is off.


Secondly, the Yellow River recharges directly the phreatic aquifer in which groundwater moves quickly, and the mean residence time is 5.30 years.


Protoss currently has the Shield Battery ability on the Obelisk, which recharges the shield of the target friendly unit or area.


The battery stores electricity. the alternator changes the engine’s mechanical energy into electrical energy and recharges the battery.


The iron-based battery recharges fully in seven hours;it is said to be good for well over 1,000 charge/recharge cycles, an unusually high number.


Performed over a fortnight, Kanebo's Recovery Concentrate Ampoule Treatment recharges dull and ageing skin helping to provide visible improvements in skin condition.


Best part is they add to your tablescape. The bowl they reside in actually recharges the Apples, err I mean remotes. Just remember to tell guests to lay off.


For computer addicts, being away from the internet’s constant flow of data for a few days recharges and relaxes you in ways that you never experience at home.


The device includes a small, adjustable controller box, and a battery pack, lasting 8 hours between recharges, which is worn at the waist or carried in a small shoulder bag.


Siphon Speed: increased recharge to 30 seconds; decreased duration to 5..15 seconds; this skill now recharges 50% faster if cast on a moving foe.


Panzer Elite Fallschirmjager Panzerfaust ability recharges much faster and no longer requires munition halftracks for a faster recharge.


Long battery life. Leave wireless on and recharge approximately every other day. Turn wireless off and read for a week or more before recharging. Fully recharges in 2 hours.


Flame Djinn's Haste: decreased duration to 8..14 seconds; increased recharge to 20 seconds; the skill now recharges 50% faster if you damage a foe with it.


Because if it's the former, I can see recharges still being slow on units such as Arch, which would ironically, benefit most from the improved shield recharge mechanic.


And the more complex the water quality is and the higher the TDS is toward the center of basin; the change of water quality in the Malian river indicate that groundwater of the east and west side recharges the river.


Poisoned Heart became cheaper and now recharges faster for some fun, creative play, and Enfeebling Touch has been improved so that it's more in line with other applications of Weakness.


Equally perversely, this waiver fails to take advantage of the particular benefits of hybrids, which are built for stop-go traffic where braking recharges the battery and boosts fuel economy.


The ENERGISE programmes vibration massage stimulates vital acupressure points to improve circulation and reduce fatigue, while the NATURE music recharges the mind effectively to boost energy levels.


Water Cycle in Taihang Mt. And Its Recharg to Groundwater in North China Plain


it's impossible that water of Heihe River recharges underwater of the Badain Jaran Desert represented by Nuoertu.


(6) If there is an overdraft, the cardholder shall pay for it when he/she recharges the card.


the change of water quality in the Malian river indicate that groundwater of the east and west side recharges the river.


Clustering figure shows that, along the route groundwater seepage, the melt water first recharges groundwater of Nuoertu, then that of Gurinai and Guaizi Lake;


precipitation recharges


19AM "We get up to 1000 recharges... we have a chip in the battery that talks to each cell, and the system adjusts the current accordingly. 3x the charges and lifespan of the industry standard.
