
Reminiscing emotion is life's burning fire.


Two old friends are reminiscing about their youth.


We spent a happy evening reminiscing about the past.


The grandparents sat there, reminiscing all afternoon.


All the way to Dijon I got to reminiscing about the past.


The next day, Tomoe visits Seibei and the two enjoy reminiscing.


The old men often gathered in the park,reminiscing with other old men.


Reminiscing our time even though we are in different space now.........


I see playfulness, reminiscing a time when we take pleasures in things uncomplicated.


Grandfather liked nothing better than sitting in the park,reminiscing with the other old men.


We hadn't seen each other for ages and we chewed the fat all night,reminiscing about old times.


Often, Kate and Chris, their big scrapbooks in their laps, would be reminiscing over the photo.


Grandfather liked nothing better than sitting in the park, reminiscing with the other old men.


However, reminiscing all the past like a train clattering over points and passing through many, many and many stations.


Instead, we sat in church, eulogizing Rosa Parks, reminiscing about past victories, entombed in nostalgia.


Not many people wipe away tears when reminiscing about BASIC's line numbers and the GOSUB command.


Even so, it didn't prevent a thrilled Mourinho reminiscing after the final whistle in the Mestalla.


A lot of people I knew personally, like looking back into what they've done.They call it reminiscing.


As I walk down the familiar routes on campus, I find myself doing a lot of soul-searching and reminiscing.


As I walk down the familiar routes on campus, I find myself doing a lot of soul-searching[N7]and reminiscing.


Our family was always close, but we were never into reminiscing or expressing our feelings for one another.


Not many people under 25 and there were a lot of balding white guys dancing around reminiscing their college days.


I was only picking up on Yueyin's reminiscing of someone's protest of his remark of "being a man".


But our time for reminiscing will happily be cut short in just over a week, as we make history yet again on July 16th.


Golden wedding anniversaries are always occasions for nostalgia and reminiscing.


We spent one happy evening on the third floor of the White House reminiscing about our times together.


What a bastard!), but he lets Wai Kin go after reminiscing about all the good times they had before.

真是个超级混蛋.), 但是当追想起以往健, 丹一起的快乐时光, 他最终还是放过了健.

My grandmother enjoyed reminiscing about her early married life and the rearing of her 11 children.


On a brightly-shining Saturday afternoon, two old friends just stay at the balcony, chattering and reminiscing.


It was a day for reminiscing, and Lau Kwok Wa suggested building this website as a place to share old stories and good memories.


This diverse lot gets together for holidays and, other than reminiscing about childhood pranks, have very little in common.


When Job stopped reminiscing, he again took up his lament, showing the sharp contrast between his life before and after his calamities.


The old soldiers are reminiscing about the war, the friends they lost and the savage, tragic history of the country they saved.


Even the future path is covered with storm or snow, once reminiscing those happy stories he brought to you , you can still be brave.


Reminiscing nostalgically on a recent TV interview about riding his bike through Beijing's alleys 30 years ago, Bush described his experience as "fantastic.


It was a day of reminiscing about their humble beginnings and continuing their vow to serve the poor and sick, as they celebrated their 100th medical mission in the country.


But the truth or the objective reality is not at all the crux of the book, but rather the way the narrtor goes about reminiscing past events in a self-justifying way.


I guess it was a result of my reminiscing the happy days from last year when I worked at a bar and what happened was, I was sitting down with my co-workers and her friends.


Vice Minister Wang and President Zheng enjoyed reminiscing of their time serving the country as Chinese Ambassador to United Nations and General Manager of Bank of China USA.


And thus your life is full of happy memories.Even the future path is covered with storm or snow, once reminiscing those happy stories he brought to you , you can still be brave.


She even appeared in a documentary about Barry Goldwater, praising the Arizona Republican and reminiscing about her first days in politics as a “Goldwater girl”.


After entering university, I still couldn't forget him. When reminiscing about the past, I was full of thankfulness. And that black pen always brought back happy memories for me.


I guess sometimes I just love to be reminiscing or it's the season that makes me feeling to reminisce.


Grandad like reminiscing.


The new Evian bottle named Origine is a monolithic ice-like sculpture, reminiscing the alpine mountain tops where Evian water has been flowing with its mineral richness and purity for over 8000 years.


Some years later and somewhere in the world, if I happen to reminiscing about my home today and about the Lamma Island, then wafted with the memory must be the scent of ginger flowers.


And the old soldiers, rows of military medals pinned to their civilian colthes, are reminiscing about the war, the friends they lost and the savage, tragic history of the country they saved.


Saturday and Sunday rated predictably well but, perhaps surprisingly, Monday came out as the second happiest day of the week, partly because people were still reminiscing about the weekend.


And the old soldiers, rows of military medals pinned to their civilian clothes, are reminiscing about the war, the friends they lost and the savage, tragic history of the country they saved.


We had not seen each other in over a decade, and after catching up on personal news and reminiscing about gross anatomy lab and our first nights on call, one of them said quietly, “I hated med school.
