
They resettle themselves in Australia.


Secondly, try every possible way to resettle the victims.


The government has offered to resettle the dissidents elsewhere.


To transfer from one place or residence to another; resettle or relocate.


The government is taking measures to resettle those laid-off workers.


Will they make any attempt to resettle the victims in this earthquake?


To transfer from one place or residence to another;resettle or relocate.


He got congress to appropriate $25 million to resettle destitute families on farms.


The corporate is now negotiating with the families ready to resettle about compensation.


Finally, the Jews were allowed to resettle in England legally by an accidental affair.


Angola hopes to resettle citizens displaced by the war, who would need more of the river's water.


UNHCR's predecessor, the International Refugee Organization (IRO) helped one million Europeans to resettle overseas.


For emancipists whose employment qualifications are reserved during imprisonment, the Enterprise shall resettle them.


Appropriately resettle laid-off workers, not allowed to infringe their lawful rights and interests.


On May 7, the White House notified me that Fort Chaffee would be used to resettle some of the Cubans.


And we do feel that we have a moral obligation to them, to resettle them here in Australia.


He then collected them together and sent them back to resettle their country and rebuild the walls and temple of Jerusalem.


Yet another cause of unrest has been a state-run program to resettle Tibetan nomads, causing great disruptions in their traditional way of life.


Now the first to resettle on their own property in their own towns were some Israelites, priests, Levites and temple servants.


President Bush is wisely standing firm in urging Congress to delay action on Israel's request for$10billion in loan guarantees to resettle Soviet Jews.


It would help if Mr Obama could give a lead by showing that America was ready to resettle some of these people in its own communities.


The Secretary General is welcoming the president's promise to resettle most of the displaced Tamils by the end of the year.


The blaze obliged the government to draw up a policy on public housing and a large number of low-cost housing estates were built to resettle the displaced squatters.


Palau President Johnson Toribiong issued a statement saying his country would be "honored and proud" to honor Washington's request to temporarily resettle the ethnic Uighurs.


Article 4 A dismantler shall compensate and resettle the dismantlees in accordance with this Regulation. A dismantlee shall finish the removal within the relevant time limit.


Try a continuous-play tape recording of your baby's favorite lullabies, so when she awakens she can resettle herself to the familiar sleep-inducing sound of the tape-recording.


Sikhs are a group of people who live in Indian Punjab mainly.However, a large number of Sikhs constantly resettle outside, and gradually formed a huge offshore Sikhs group.


Construction of the dam was approved in 1992 despite strong opposition, eventually creating a 400-mile-long reservoir and forcing some 1.4 million people to resettle.


In a society full of competition and anxiety, even children are often faced with distresses and anxiety.Music can help children alleviate negative emotions and resettle pressure.


After returning to Laos, they will have the right to ask the Lao government for permission to resettle in other countries, but Thailand will not arrange this for them, Kasit said.


THE Federal Government says it will consider a request by the US President, Barack Obama, for Australia to resettle some of the detainees in the Guantanamo Bay prison camp.


Senator Sam Brownback, Republican of Kansas, urged the administration to redouble its efforts on behalf of the Burmese refugees and others who desperately need to resettle.


Whereas the house is the rest home, Party B agrees to pay allocation allowance(¥8000)at one time in a bid to resettle ole men and empty the house favorably.


Resigned workers who resettle elsewhere may be paid a resettlement subsidy in a lump sum equivalent to two months their standard wage.


Resettlers are the people who resettle from one region to another region or to another country, or from one place to another one in the same region due to some reasons.


The country's official news agency, Xinhua, said today( Monday) the army issued an order for soldiers to help evacuate and resettle people, and to distribute food, water, medicine and other supplies to storm victims.


Toribiong said Palau did not consider China's reaction when it accepted the US request to temporarily resettle the detainees, who were captured in Afghanistan and Pakistan in 2001.


Tens of thousands of the estimated five million homeless earthquake refugees in Sichuan province have began the great migration home, not just to recover old possessions, but to resettle.


The fact that he has had to offer money and visas to resettle Iraqis working for the British lest they be killed as collaborators is one sign that “conditions” may be less than benign.


Muslim businessmen will find it harder to rebuild shops in mainly Christian districts and Christian home owners will struggle to persuade their families to resettle in mainly Muslim areas.


Sometimes, our lives seem like dying flames, but the beautiful melody and moving lyrics of the hymn can relight our flames, recharge our lives, and resettle faith and joy in our hearts.


As I resettle and struggle to find my footing back home, I have spent a lot of time thinking about some friends who made these types of decisions, which were radically different than our own.


resettle the returned overseas Chinese in South China


resettle workers and staff members


to transfer from one place or residence to another; resettle or relocate


He got congress to appropriate $25 million to resettle destitute families on farms


7. He got congress to appropriate $25 million to resettle destitute families on farms.


On a Consideration of Resettle the Workers and Staff Members in the Process of the Transformation of Property Rights in SOEs


The pilot project to resettle residents in poor areas with a harsh substantial environment and fragile ecology will be carried on


"'This is what the Sovereign LORD says: On the day I cleanse you from all your sins, I will resettle your towns, and the ruins will be rebuilt.
