
Adolph Hitler commanded autocratic power; no one could rigorously oppose his plans or decisions.


At least the police are not rigorously enforcing a threatened ban on carousing after 2am.


A system of jurisprudence supplementing and serving to modify the rigor of common law.


Put another way, at this point, you want to rigorously define the human and business needs that your product must satisfy.


The point to emphasize here is that this is a model,a working hypothesis that must be rigorously tested by many additional measurements.


We are far from such a world today,but IS already is thinking more rigorously about what it allows into its mix of systems.


This meant that he had to move his hips more rigorously, while his feet just cleared the ground, twisting rapidly forward.

腰死板,他的胯骨便非活动不可; 脚几乎是拉拉在地上,加紧的往前扭。

It was necessary that this should be done in one single day, on account of the extreme urgency and rigor of events.


Because code signing is commonly used to label code as a rigorously tested official release, publishers typically don't want to sign test code.


Hitherto Barchester had escaped the taint of any extreme rigor of church doctrine.


Before we begin drawing, let's examine the device context with more rigor than we did in Chapter.


Financial institutions shall set up sound mechanisms and systems to control operational risk, and shall rigorously control operational risk.


Wish that all rigorously enforce to stick to, and possess whatever problem that speckled bambbos gatherings coordinate assists you to resolve!


Make sure all the plant equipment regular check- lists are in place and followed by the plant maintenance team rigorously.


ASTiD has been rigorously tested around the world and is used in the UK, European Union, Middle East and the United States.


From the games gorgeous screen and the degree of rigor Operating System have exceeded the general FLASH small game.


I am fascinated by academic studies of human happiness, because they bring scientific rigor to issues we all grapple with.


The point to emphasize here is that this is a model, a working hypothesis that must be rigorously tested by many additional measurements.


We are far from such a world today, but IS already is thinking more rigorously about what it allows into its mix of systems.


Eventually, institutional rigor mortis will set in and the cycle will begin again.


Rigor of company management system is efficient, run a standard, passed ISO9000 attestation 2004.


Results The length of sarcomere of rigor mortis without destroy is obviously shorter than that of restiffening.


Work earnestly &in responsibility, rigorously &carefully, high responsibility and work orderly, also has the good team work spirit.


To allow candidates to survey the rigor and question formats of each exam, we have several sets of sample questions.


The NCD system is modeled in terms of Markov chain. It is rigorously proved that there is unique stationary distribution for any NCD system.


Although many exams lack rigor, more children are getting respectable grades and going on to universities.


Software can be tested at various stages of the development cycle and with various degrees of rigor.


An ordinary classical bit can be either a 0 or a 1, and standard microchip architectures enforce that dichotomy rigorously.


Most algorithms, however, are designed to work on rigorously defined abstract structures such as permutations, graphs, and sets.


According to their own character, style and investment transactions on the situation, to find a suitable trading system and market-tested rigorously.


To give a sustained boost to investor confidence, the tests needed demonstrable rigor.


Even so, it seems clear they could do even better if service institutions educated them earlier and with greater rigor.


Just three years after the founder of communist China died in 1976, Mao Zedong's policies and legacy were being rigorously rethought.


This course is an investigation of affective priming and creation of rigorously counterbalanced, fully computerized testing paradigm.


We must guarantee the relative system in order to carry out and actualize the guideline of ruling the police rigorously.


As Pichois and Rousseau remind us, if our approaches and dimensions seem rigorously defined, our researches themselves offer great freedom .


We have trid to keep explanations elementary without sacrificing depth of coverage and mathematical rigor.


He drilled his warriors rigorously and forced them to go bare-footed, which allowed them to run faster and surprise the enemy.


And a fresh scallop should be really stiff to the touch: a good cook loves the feeling of rigor mortis.


Hence, one cannot hope to obtain the desired results simply from a medical practice, nor from a theoretical discourse, however rigorously pursued.


In contrary to rigor mortis, tenderization was promoted by increasing of aging temperature.


"How do you feel, hand?" he asked the cramped hand that was almost as stiff as rigor mortis.


These difficult and important questions need to be researched as rigorously as the technological and biological discovery aspects of human genomics.


Teams will need to rigorously apply a range of positive methods before even considering approaches that involve punishment.


We also provide free sample questions for each exam level to allow you to get a sense of the rigor.


Bloggers have to accept that readers are looking for the rigor of traditional journalists.


The first step is to rigorously enforce current environmental laws and regulations no matter who owns the offending facility.


As a result we are not constrained by absolute maximums although country and sector weightings are rigorously monitored.


Strength, athleticism, technique, strategy, every element of one's ability is rigorously calibrated, benchmarked, improved.


They are so thin in fact, that I can hear the creepy guy next door say my full name over and over again very slowly whilst masturbating rigorously.
