
Samizdat Press is devoted to the free distribution of books, lecture notes and software.


The difference between the 1970s samizdat poets and their online successors is the market - a force that Yang suggests has “woken up” the individuality of the Chinese people.


Did they really believe that the workers' and peasants' state was built on such shaky foundations that a few sheets of mimeographed samizdat could bring it down?


The intelligentsia responded in kind: it paid tribute to his courage, read his works in samizdat but was spooked by his anti-Western attitude and refused to recognise him as one of their number.


dig out and trace all such samizdat literature


samizdat but was spooked by his anti-Western attitude and refused to recognise him a...

人生轨迹的涟漪 我的大学 我的默认主页 北大法律信息网 该驻足的地方...



(Samizdat, fax machines, and the Voice of America eventually helped bring down the Soviet system.Therefore proxy servers and online chat rooms must erode the power of the Chinese state.Right?

(自己看,就不翻译了)) 接着,我要强调这个愿景对于大多数受到即便是不完美的审查制度影响的公众来讲,是如何不令人信服。