
Culms glabrous. Culm sheath without oral setae.


Young shoots and petioles tomentose, setae slender or absent.


Petiole pubescent, veins of leaf blade with dense short setae.


A bristle or seta, especially of an annelid worm.


They seta guard on the minister.


I rely on you to seta good example.


A bristle or seta,especially of an annelid worm.


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Other types of setae are located on both the lateral and medial flagella.


The setae of the growth lines belong to annulate type without setules and probably played in sensory function.

分析了生长线刚毛的形态是属于长针形的轴刚毛, 主要司触角功能;

The functions of the setae in locomotion are different due to their various structures.


On glabrous leaves, they are large with microselae or least elongated dorsal setae, their margins are smooth.


Type II setae are smooth with scales around tip, with complicated pore structure.


Insect adhesive pads are either relatively smooth or densely covered with specialized adhesive setae.


OBJECTIVE To identify Periostracum Cicadae and its two counterfeits by observation of microscopic characteristics of setae in animal drugs.


On hairy leaves, nymphs and pupae are often small with elongated dorsal setae, their margins are crenelated and sometimes indented deeply.


Any of about 5,400 species of marine worms of the annelid class Polychaeta, having a segmented body with many setae (bristles) on each segment.


The setae on the surface of animals have different forms and functions, which make up of the sensory organs or the sporting organs.


It develops from the zygote and comprises the foot, seta, and capsule.


Please pack one TV seta cardboard box, 4 setsa wooden case suitable for export.


The cone-shaped setae as the major wax secretion organ secreted thick tube-shape wax filaments that formed framework of the felt sac.


S. tranquebarica has setae number of 4,5 combination on the last two segments of antennule.It is different from three other species, which have 3,3 combination.

贵蟳大眼幼体在第二触角最后两节之刚毛数为4, 5的组合,与其他三种均为3, 3的组合明显不同。

Morphological study inferred, two strains are identical in twenty-four important morphological characteristics on body color, antenna structure, setae on fore wing, etc.


SETA pursues the goal of service first, complies with the equitable, public and practical principles.


Gecko seta operate on the surface of the substances completely by van der Waals forces.


Ti misi delle vesti ricamate, de’ calzari di pelle di tasso, ti cinsi il capo di lino fino, ti ricopersi di seta.


Matched seta (earrings and a necklace) haven't looked good since Elizabethan days.


For a greater challenge, play against a friend or seta time limit for a correct answer.


Tibetans in Seta (Ch. Seda) County, Kham (Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) held peaceful protest.


A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair, such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.


Pseudopodium (pl. pseudopodia) 1. A leafless stalk that bears the capsule in Sphagnum and other mosses that lack a seta.


A filamentous projection or bristle similar to a hair,such as a seta of an arthropod or an epidermal process of a plant.


SETA will solidify all the members and do better coordination among government, elevator industry and association members.


Seta E . Hydroplaning Analysis by FEM and FVM: Effect of Tire Rolling and Tire Pattern on Hydroplaning[ R] .JSAE SYMPOSIUM No.


There were a total of 39 representatives attending the conference, including Mr.Marco della SETA, Minister of Italian Embassy to China, Mr.


Sviluppo di fornire la progettazione, fabbricazione stampo, iniezione, iniezione, la seta di screening, la stampa, abbronzanti, saldatura a ultrasuoni uno sportello di servizio.


Over 500 Tibetans in Seta County in Kham (Kardze [ch. Ganzi] Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province) protested in front of the county government. 60 people were arrested.


Any of various usually small tropical and subtropical lizards of the family Gekkonidae, having toes padded with setae containing numerous suction cups that enable them to climb on vertical surfaces.


Structures of the male genitalia of the 8 populations were fo und identical. Yet the populations could be divided into three rather distinctive groups according to the ratio of the length of flagellum setae over the width o f antenna flagellum.


Any of various usually small tropical and subtropical lizards of the family Gekkonidae,having toes padded with setae containing numerous suction cups that enable them to climb on vertical surfaces.


In our collection of kutorginids, a group of the most primitive types of articulate brachiopods, some soft parts are superbly preserved, notably pedicles, setae, lophophore and vascular markings.


The ability of the resistance of rice cultivars against Sogatella fur- cifera (Horvath) is closely correlated with the cuticula structure featued of the silicon cell chain and silicon cell group, spines and setae, cork cell and wax layer.

水稻抗御白背飞虱Sogatella furcifera(Horvath)的能力,与水稻叶鞘表皮组织的矽细胞群、矽细胞链、刺毛、刚毛、木栓组织、蜡被层密度等密切相关。 这些结构的数值化指标。

S. olivacea has setae number of 4,4 combination on both sides of the basal segment of antenna.It is different from three other species which are either 3,3 or 3,4 or 4,3 combination.


S. olivacea has setae number of 4,4 combination on both sides of the basal segment of antenna.It is different from three other species which are either “ 3,3” or “ 3,4” or “ 4,3” combination.

红脚蟳大眼幼体在左右第一触角基节的刚毛数均为4, 4的组合,与其他三种的3, 3,3, 4或4, 3的组合明显不同。

Type I simple setae are smooth with a pore on the tip.They usually appear in groups with type II or denticulated setae and they are shorter than the type II and the denticulated setae.


Sporogonium The sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts. It develops from the zygote and comprises the foot, seta, and capsule. The sporogonium is parasitic on the gametophyte generation.


In bryophytes (mosses, liverworts and horworts) the haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase of the life cycle and the sporophyte is represented only by the capsule, seta, and foot.


The micro-morphology of log-cultivated Phellinus igniarius, hymenium , basidiospore, conical seta and the discrete structure of mycelia were observed under scanning electron microscope.


At that night, several thousand monks and laypeople in Seta (Ch. Seda) County, Kham (Kardze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture) held peaceful protest, but were dispersed by the military police.


oral setae few, erect, yellow-brown;
