
Splurging doesn't feel as good as it used to.


You'll probably end up splurging at the last moment.


This is a lovely hotel if you don't mind splurging a little!


And there are many who argue that consultants represent unnecessary splurging.


But I would bet that splurging and bling will come back as soon as the rich feel rich again.


Of course he'd get a scolding for his occasional splurging but it was all done with the best intention.


Of course, he'd get a scolding for his occasional splurging, but it was all done with the best intention.


Of course, he'd get a scolding for his occasional splurging, butitwas all done with the best intention.


He was a talented musician splurging his life in the discos and pubs.In spite of all the applause, deep cry and unknown pain gnawed within him.


Rather than splurging on another Olympics, Fukushi says Tokyo needs to save for the future and prepare for an aging society.


The economy could stand to rely a little less on housing and consumer splurging and a little more on exports and investment in new industries.


Yawning deficits will force governments worldwide to cut back on necessary expenditure, let alone unnecessary splurging.


March 20, 2008 -- Want to feel happier? Spending money on other people or charities may make you feel better than splurging on something for yourself.


After years of splurging with an eye on their rising assets, that phenomenon, known as the wealth effect, now cuts the other way, spurring frugality.


Surely the American consumer, after a decade of splurging on over-priced homes, over-sized cars and over-engineered electronics, will take a breath.


The implication is that demand from abroad must take the place of a splurging domestic consumer and a free-spending government.

” 以上这些给我们的暗示是,国外需求必须要代替任意挥霍的国内消费者和自由开销的政府的作用。

Father, on the other hand, liked to indulge whenever the budget allowed. Of course, he'd get a scolding for his occasional splurging, butitwas all done with the best intention.


Adults and teenagers carry them around partly to bask in the memory of a shopping (splurging) occasion, partly because the “eco-bag” trend has run its course.


Historically, the excuse, 'I'm having a midlife crisis,' was often used to justify reckless, self-indulgent behavior, from infidelity to splurging on sports cars.


For those who don't mind splurging a bit this holiday season, a Japanese department store is offering a Christmas tree with 400 diamonds for a cool 1.8 million dollars.


Splurging on “treats,” like shopping, drinking, or ice cream, can cheer you up for a minute, but then make you feel worse when regret and guilt set in.


Still, the Gulf's splurge might be better spent if governments were doing even less of the splurging.


With the stern striking and tracing measures implemented by the Chinese government, circumjacent casinos have been closed one after another and Chinese malfeasants ever splurging public money overseas have plunged into a fluster.


Sales data show a marked and more prolonged drop in spending in the days before shoppers get their paychecks, when they buy only the barest essentials before splurging around payday.
