
Jove gives his promise, and confirms it with the irrevocable oath, attesting the river Styx, terrible to the gods themselves.


The patient is waiting to cross the Styx.


The river Styx divides the level into two main regions.


Swimming the Styx: Gain swim speed and ability to breathe water.


The ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx.


This trip through Styx is not just a scenic walk through the park.


Still, the Styx is useful for travel from plane to plane.


Danny Gokey and Kris Allen performed "Renegade" by Styx.


Even the slate grey stone ground is dry and cracked despite being in close proximity to the river Styx.


As the god had sworn by the Styx there was no going back on his word.


Holding onto Achilles' heel, Thetis dipped her son in the River Styx to make him invincible to weapons.


Styx (2nd River) - The river across which the souls of the dead are ferried, one of the five rivers in Hades.


The fresh shade, on the path to judgment, steps out of the marshes of the Styx into the City of Lost Souls.


Then he took an oath by the Styx , ready to give help according to the boy's request.


No one knows where it rises and no one knows where it ends, but all the Lower Planes know the River Styx.


Another version of the myth has Thetis attempting to protect her infant by dipping him in the river Styx.


The stuffy wind is blowing round the Styx River,blowing the Hell Door open,blowing through the Dark Hurricane Valley.


They would seek passage across the great river Styx before moving into Hades, where they would eventually be judged.


His father bade him approach and swore by the river Styx that whatever proof he might ask should be granted.


Jove gives his promise,and confirms it with the irrevocable oath,attesting the river Styx,terrible to the gods themselves.


Greek mythology) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades.


In Hesiod's works, at least, she had the additional duty of carrying water from the River Styx in a ewer whenever the gods had to take a solemn oath.


To save her son,the sea goddess dipped her baby in the waters of Styx which could protect the human body from the fire and sword.


Brush six hours: the red on, touch-Dragon, leader Zuma, leader沃玛, animal guide, cattle devil, Styx founder, Wang lightning body.


However, out of mere chance or else, I happened to be listening to Kancheli's ominous Styx when I learned the utter tragedy.


Beneath its sluggish surface, the currents of the Styx are swift and dangerous, often sucking down boats or pulling swimmers under.


There are plenty of new myth-inspired monsters in Immortal Throne, and the Styx level will be the player's first introduction to many of the underworld daemons.


Oceanides Thetis, Achilles’ mother grasped his heel to soak him in the Styx River after he was born.Therefore his whole body is invulnerability except the heel.


The process for seeking approval from federal agencies is so disjointed and slow that pushing a line over a national park or river might as well be crossing the Styx.


Today, tens of millions of our sisters not to because prostitution, because unsafe sex and then make the same mistake and do not go onto the road ah Styx!


He fully shared the opinion of those extreme minds which attribute to human law I know not what power of making, or, if the reader will have it so, of authenticating, demons, and who place a Styx at the base of society.


"Acheron translates as the "river of woe" and it was believed to be a branch of the underworld river Styx over which in ancient Greek mythology Charon ferried the newly dead souls across into Hades.


dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades.


Im not the River Styx to embrace you nine times,


dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades


the ferryman who conveyed the dead to Hades over the river Styx


Styx,the river of hate and Phlegethon, the river of fire。


dark and dismal as of the rivers Acheron and Styx in Hades .


An Idea, a Form, a Being Which left the azure sky and fell Into a leaden, miry Styx That no eye in Heaven can pierce;


Styx The river across which the souls of the dead are ferried, one of the five rivers in Hades;


if the reader will have it so, of authenticating, demons, and who place a Styx at the base of society.


(Greek mythology) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades.


(Greek mythology) the ferryman who brought the souls of the dead across the the river Styx or the river Acheron to Hades


Jove gives his promise, and confirms it with the irrevocable oath, attesting the river styx, terrible to the gods themselves


cross the Styx

black as the Styx


To cross the River Styx


Ceratophyllus styx riparius

n. 冥河角叶蚤灰沙燕亚种

Cerberolebeda styx

n. 紫冥枯叶蛾


n. [希神]冥河(环绕地狱的河)