
Of thy supernal sinusoidal spell?


The supernal ideology will not coexistence with the everyman.


It is the soul that Awakens and yearns to ascend to the Supernal World.


Demesne: A place imbued with Supernal power by way of one or more soul stones.


As for me, I say not this of all of them, but of the great supernal Gods.


Put in something about the Supernal Oneness. Don't say a syllable about the Infernal Twoness.


Path: A mage's personal connection to a Watchtower in a Supernal Realm, by which he can work magic.


Abyss, the: The rift between the Supernal World and the Fallen World, said by some to grow wider with each Paradox.


Supernal World, the: The higher reality that was cut off by creation of the Abyss in the Celestial War of Atlantis.


You utter ancient words of Supernal, conjuring a silvery glyph that repels your foes.


Pandemonium: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Mind and Space. Mages who walk the Mastigos Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.


Arcadia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Fate and Time. Mages who walk the Acanthus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.


Exarch: A mythical archmage who resides in the Supernal World, one of the victors in the Atlantean Celestial War. Exarchs are opposed by Oracles.


Primal Wild: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Life and Spirit. Mages who walk the Thyrsus Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.


Comparing,the method with concentrated hydrochloric acid has some merit,such as adequate reaction,take a short time, product with supernal content.


Stygia: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Death and Matter. Mages who walk the Moros Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.


Aether, the: A Supernal Realm where the Ruling Arcana are Forces and Prime. Mages who walk the Obrimos Path claim a Watchtower in this realm.


It has virtue of strong function , supernal efficiency and shortens development time of single-chip microcomputer system.


Supernal Realm: A realm within the Supernal World. Mages know of five such realms, because of the Watchtowers placed in them.


And I can write and write and write.Each word perfect for its purpose.Each sentence a supernal imitation of my thoughts.


Only faith, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond.


Typical citric and yellow flavours Chardonnay. A supern well balanced structured wine, accompany a variety of dishes.


Final Key, the: The legendary state of understanding where a mage has solved the Mysteries and can ascend to the Supernal World.


It is in music, perhaps, that the soul most nearly attains the great end for which, when inspired by the Poetic Sentiment, it struggles----the creation of supernal beauty.


Oracle: A mythical archmage who resides in the Supernal World, one of those who held true to Atlantean ideals in the Celestial War. Oracles oppose the Exarchs.


But it also releases the soul in time by decaying the body to which it is tied, freeing the soul to return to the Supernal World with the memories of all its bodily experiences.


It is believed that this is because it was the native tongue of the Oracles and Exarchs, and their reign in the Supernal World gives their language power over the Fallen World.


Based on "the first quantity, the supernal customer" animus, honesty and Credit management and the excess star-standing service, we gain more business chance.


There are a group of stone peaks lining up athwart-ships in the east of Drunken Arhat.Some are like lamps, some spears, some giant axes, and some supernal dogs squatting.


Invisible Truth, the: Awareness and knowledge of the supernatural world, especially the Supernal World and the Mysteries. Mainly used as a term that counters the Lie.


Anomaly: A Paradox where the local area around the caster is tainted by negative supernatural effects, most often by the imposition of a Supernal Realm.


To the left of Golden Whip Rock, there is another rock like a hawk standing beside it, head up-holding,wings half-stretching. It is called Supernal Hawk Protecting Whip.


This equipment is speedy in answer to speed、 deferent sine wave distortion is small、 intelligentize degree is high, anti-jamming is better, the power complication and the efficiency is supernal.


Watchtower: A mystical edifice in a Supernal Realm, erected by the Atlantean kings or Oracles to oppose the Exarchs and restore magic to the Fallen World after the creation of the Abyss.


In developed countries, modern logistics have reached supernal level.But in China, logistics is still a new industry and has a great gap in scale, technique, management and applyment.


a supernal punishment for the sins of men


Bamboo in the Supernal Hills


celestial peace; ethereal melodies; the supernal happiness of a quiet death.


prima materia: The Supernal substance, also called Prime.


(5)Thederivative financial instruments have very supernal risks;


celestial peace; ethereal melodies; the supernal happiness of a quiet death


The faith to Supernal Tortoise: A Motif in Sino-Vietnam Folk Culture


interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men.


interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven,a supernal punishment for the sins of men


improvised spell: A spell cast using only the mage's raw Supernal understanding (Gnosis) and Arcanum lore.


2.interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men.


3. interpret the plague as a visitation from heaven, a supernal punishment for the sins of men.


prima materia: The Supernal substance, also called Prime. In the Fallen World, the prima materia is known in two states, Mana and tass.


or angel speaks Supernal, listeners who don't speak Supernal understand the words as if the speaker used their own languages.


"he may meet a good teacher, who compassionately explains to him the ten supernal powers of Amitayus, fully describing the majestic power of the light of that Buddha,
