
Tempera was used to paint frescos hundreds of years ago.


Tempera were employ to paint frescos hundreds of ages ago.


Instead of fresco, Leonardo devised his own technique for mural painting, a sort of tempera on stone.


In the work the audience could experience the old master's combined technique (tempera, oil, resin).


Printing with Apples- Cut apples in half with different colors of tempera paint, make apple prints.


Owing to the changes of mediums, paintings change from encaustic, mosaic, secco, fresco, and tempera to oil painting.


All of the material, tempera, emulsions of waxes and acrylic are the emulsification painting materials.


Gablezhao bi tempera paint, colorful glazed tile, the gatehouse of the old, the whole buildingjing ya harmony.


The results show that the graphltlzatlon extents of carbon fiber increase with the tempera ture ofcarbonlzatlon.


The results show that melting latent heat of the cool storage material is 149kJ/kg, phase change tempera.


Tempera ,which is very close to the oil ,is a very important section for the western painting materials .


There were 10 geographic distribution types, and north tempera zone was main distribution area.


Artists keep watch and experience the infinite charming of tempera painting technique in every period.


The acclaimed artist painted landscapes and figure subjects and worked mostly in tempera and watercolor.


The type of art material used :pencil,ink,watercolor,oil,acrylic,egg tempera,etc.


Skeptics point out that the color is still an unfaded red, which would be expected of tempera paint but not of real blood.


They have discovered that stars with different colours have different sizes,and that their surface tempera tures are also different.


Not only archaic but also novel painting technique,tempera, the unique character of which endues plenty of connotation for picture.


As the developing of oil painting, the old tempera skill was forgotten gradually, but it was rediscovered at the middle of 19th century.


This was a tempera painting on wood panel, made in the traditional Spanish method. Egg yolks were mixed with colorants to serve as paint.


In addition, to learn tempera as the origin of oil painting is necessary for us to comprehend oil painting language sufficiently.


In respect that tempera is in harmony with oil as well as water, it is provide with strong expansibility and developmental potential.


The influencing factors, including intensity of magnetic field, cutting times of magnetic lines and tempera ture of water, were studied.


If the function of the accumulator depends on its tempera ture, then the accumulator temperature shall also be monitored.


In the flat tempera painting of medieval art, the gradation of values that produces a three-dimensional effect was almost impossible to achieve.


Ground plaster,chalk or marble mixed with glue or acrylic medium,generally white.it provides an absorbent ground for oil,acrylic,and tempera painting.


The surface of material used Teflon be able to endure sour and alkall(PH4-PH12), the surface is smooth, endure high tempera ure and long-lived operation.


In this paper, chemical storage materials of hydrate of alkaline earth metals at low tempera tures are rported by differential scanning calorimetry( DSC).


The collection of three tempera on paper paintings -- described as resembling abstract artworks -- are expected to fetch between $1,130 and $1,500 next month at sale.


The surface of material used Teflon be able to endure sour and alkall(PH4-PH12), the surface is smooth, endure high tempera ure and long-lived operation.


Utilizing this system users can simulate the tempera?ture field of microelectronics metal encapsulation under different conditions and can examine the simulation results.


Proposes that when using large temper ature difference technology the special air conditioning unit with large tempera ture difference should be used accordingly.


The mingling and graded washes of watercolor and airbrush techniques can be imitated, as can the highlighting achieved with opaque brush media such as casein and tempera.


Through the selection of op-timum concentration for element composition in phosphating bath,an optimum formula for middle level tempera ture phosphating pro cess is determined.


A quantitative relationship has been obtained through thermal activation analysis, which can discribe fully the transition caused by loading rate or by tempera...


Children in an art class use red, yellow, and blue tempera paint to paint on white paper, to let the children mix colors as they wish, and understand the result of mixing. 7.


It was pointed out that the medium N application level and low tempera ture yellowing or high moisture ounng condition was good for the quality of tobacco leaf.


Technological modification were carried out to realize cooling and dewatering of at-mo spheric tempera ture condensed liquid and crude sta ble condensed liquid hydrocarbon.


Release of the welding energy instantaneously raises the contact point between the thermocouple wire and the base metal to the melting tempera ture and a fusion weld is formed.


Tempera and gold on panel.


Chemist Walter McCrone identified the substance as a combination of red ochre and vermilion tempera paint; others have specifically identified it as type AB blood, with no evidence of any artificial pigments.


We can apprehend Wyeth’s realistic painting from two perspectives. On the one hand, in terms of technic, his realistic painting is based on the inheriting of European tradition, especially represented in tempera.


After watching a seed grow into a plant a child might be inspired to draw the plant, to make leaf rubbings, to make a sculpture of a plant, or to create an original work in watercolor or tempera paints.


On the basis of the acceleration of modernization, the economic crisis and the series problems caused by the World War, people whished for recurring to spirit home, then tempera renewed.


Adaptative Model for Controlling Coiling Tempera ture of Strip


Tempera ( egg colour drawing )


Winters are long and hard, with snow for six months of the year. The tempera


Friction work calculation in the process of friction tempera analysis


The Automatic Control System Application Study In Electric Power Transformer Tempera ture Rise Test


Analysis and Calculation of Tube Billet Heating Tempera ture Uniformity in Annular Furnace
