
American Writing in the Twentieth Century.By Willard Thorp.


Thorp had to contend against the world's best runners in the Olympic Games.


We back the sleeping bag and tabernacle go to the another thorp "QingYuan".


QingYuang thorp have more than 1000 years old.The throp is very small.


Thorp fills up at a hydrogen station on the campus of the University of California at Irvine.


Budd, R. W., Thorp, R. K., &Donohew, L. (1967), Content Analysis of Communications, New York: Macmillan Company.


She lived in a thorp where the weather was not too cold in winter and not too hot in summer.


Cards and gambling played an important role for both Thorp and Gross, in their early days.


No23, 8group, Shoudang thorp, Wuyuan town, Haiyan county, Jiaxin city, Zhejiang.


The second day, we come to XiaoQi.A famous place, perhaps it's too famous.Enter to thorp must pay money RMB35.


Under Archdeacon Thorp as Warden, 19 foundation scholars and 18 others took up residence in Archdeacon's Inn, Palace Green.


My mum grew up in Collingham, which is not far from Leeds' training ground at Thorp Arch, near Wetherby in north Yorkshire.


"A couple of the boys are very into role-playing games. Knowing Sindarin is useful when giving orders to their Elvish armies," Thorp said.


John Thorp, of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who ran the North American trials of flibanserin, says he understands the criticism.

北分管氟立班丝氨北美试验的卡莱罗纳大学教堂山分校的John Thorp表示他理解来自各方的批评。

BNFL says in a report, this one approval is meant approbate Thorp formally can surely aftertreatment lack fuel, and still make clear move debug finish.

BNFL在一份报告中说 ,这一批准意味着正式认可 Thorp能够安全地后处理乏燃料 ,而且还表明运行调试的完成。

Stoll P, Wachter R, Bahr W. Bridging lower jaw defects with AO plates: comparison of THORP and 3-DBRP systems. J Cranio-maxillofac Surg, 1992, 20:87-90.


The stadium is located in the Tianjin Economic-Technological Development Area (TEDA), and was designed by Peddle Thorp Architects, an Australian architecture firm.


Dr Thorp believes the main hurdle now will be making absolutely certain that the drug is safe, especially if it is taken in conjunction with antidepressants.


Randt, Clark Thorp Jr.


D. Thorp and S. R. Wenham, “Ray-tracing of arbitrary surface textures for light-trapping in thin silicon solar cells,” Solar Energy Materials &Solar Cells, Vol. 48, pp. 295-301, 1997.


Wang Xiaoru,Hopkinson K M,Thorp J S,et al.Developing a novel backup protection system for the electric power grid using agents[J].Automation of Electric Power Systems,2005,29(21):50-54(in Chinese).

[2]王晓茹,Hopkinson K M,Thorp J S,等.利用Agent实现新的电网后备保护[J].电力系统自动化,2005,29(21):50-54.

Thorp M, Demattos A, Bennett W, et al. The effect of conversion from cyclosporine to tacrolimus on gingival hyperplasia, hirsutism and cholestorol. Transplantation,2000, 69 (6): 1218.


Karen Thorp drives 60 miles a day to and from her job as a senior deputy district attorney of Los Angeles County, where her specialty is prosecuting multiple-murder suspects and kidnappers.

洛杉矶郡的高级律师代理人卡伦 索普每天开车60英里上下班,她的专长是起诉多重谋杀嫌疑人和绑匪。

Wang Xiaoru,Hopkinson K M,Thorp J S,et al.Developing a novel backup protection system for the electric power grid using agents[J].Antomation of Eiectric Power Systems,2005,29(21):50-54(in Chinese).

[2]王晓茹,Hopkinson K M,Thorp J S,等.利用Agent实现新的电网后备保护[J].电力系统自动化,2005,29(21):50-54.

Porreco RP,Thorp JA.The cesarean birth epidermic trends,causes and solution.Am J Obstet Gynecol,1996


Under Archdeacon Thorp as warden, 19 foundation scholars and 18 others took up residence in Archdeacon's Inn, Palace Green



=Thermal-Oxide Reprocessing Plant 热氧化物再处理厂