
The Turkic language of the Turkmen.


Highway Turkmen back pad and landscaping.


Taza is predominately inhabited by Shiite Turkmen.


Of or relating to the Turkmen or their language or culture.


The Turkmen shore along the Caspian Sea is 1768 km long.


He died of a cardiac arrest, Turkmen state television reported.He was 66.


Turkmen leader orders ice palace President Niyazov of Turkmenistan h...

沙漠中的冰雪宫殿 是异想天开还是挑战自然?

Language: Official languages are Pashtu and Dari. Other languages include Uzbek, Turkmen, Baluchi and etc.


The agreement was reached on Tuesday during a visit to Beijing by Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.


Ethnic Composition: Persian 51%, Azerbaijani 24%, Kurdish 7%, Arab 3%, Turkmen 2%, other 13%.


At the same time, it will strengthen safety inspections during the National Day Jikeng Turkmen stop construction.


Toward the end of the 1400s, Persia was taken over by the Emirate of the White Sheep Turkmen (Ak Koyunlu).


Many of the casualties were worshippers who have been living a Shiite mosque run by the minority Turkmen community.


The attack was in an oil-rich part in Iraq, but Kurds, Arabs and Turkmen are competing for power.


Theyare nowforming alliances with some Turkmen, some Chechens, someTatars, andthey want more autonomy from China.


Until 1991, it was a constituent republic of the Soviet Union, the Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic.


The name of the country means “Land of the Turkmen” in Persian and the official language used there is Turkmen.


He also replaced cinemas with puppet theatres, which apparently are more authentically Turkmen.


But , but the city's Arab and Turkmen residentssay it must remain under the control of the central government.


Few will mourn the passing of the “father of the Turkmen”, but it is far from clear that brighter times lie ahead.


The Turkmen mountains are relatively high, but it is hard to imagine the palace remaining frozen without some sort of technical help.


Biden also met with Iraqi leaders in the disputed and oil-rich city of Kirkuk in northern Iraq, where Arabs, Turkmen and Kurds are jockeying for power.


President Niyazov made the announcement in a speech broadcast on Turkmen television, which in effect made it a presidential order.


But Turkmen president President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov has indicated rulingness willingness to supply the western Western pipeline.


In addition, Turkmen excavation period also Margin Mau Building, Century Avenue and the surrounding sensitive environment security.


While “World Wide Web” still has not spread widely around our country, Turkmen hackers have become famous around the world.

而"全球资讯网" ,至今仍没有广泛扩散到我国周边国家,土库曼黑客已经成为著名的世界各地。

The Turkmen mountains are relatively high,it is hard to imagine the palace remaining frozen without some sort of technical help.


And now the “father of the Turkmen” is dead, only to be replaced by the stepfather: not nearly as barmy but every bit as hard.


But Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdymukhammedov has indicated ruliness willingness to supply the weastern Western pipeline.


Tony Shaimuli plastic manufacturing, and processing; Hardware, for electricity, chemicals, needles textiles, stationery video sales; Turkmen excavation.


The oil-rich Kirkuk region is at the center of a power struggle between ethnic and religious groups including Kurds, Arabs, Turkmen, Muslims and Christians.


The deals come amid strained relations between Turkmenistan and Russia, which usually buys most of the Turkmen gas for onward sale in Ukraine and Europe.


The move could have a significant impact on fat metabolism, muscle development and Anna Nicole Smith, who might be interested in meeting a wealthy, older Turkmen man.


A mystery illness is causing alarm in the Turkmen capital Ashgabat, where residents are afraid that chemicals used on the cotton fields are making them sick.


It came under the rule of the Abbasid Arabs at the end of the 7th century AD and changed hands intermittently until the establishment of the Turkmen dynasty in 1378.


Oil gas of Turkmen Si Tan is resourceful, and ascertain rate is low, exploration development potential is tremendous, become the heat that at present foreign oily company invests.


Shek Tanzhen completed increase Beach Road rocky beach below, Lixin Lu transformation and new Kiu Road Extension, New City to the two main east-west and North-South Turkmen roadbed works.


The Azeri language is part of the Oghuz, or Western Turkic, group of Turkic languages, together with Anatolian Turkish (spoken in Turkey) , Turkmen (spoken in Turkmenistan) and Salar(spoken in China).


The local Kurds and Arabs and Turkmen in the city should be incorporated into the Kurdish autonomous region on the issue of long-standing dispute, Kirkuk is therefore often violent attacks.


China's official Xinhua news agency says that during talks between the Turkmen leader and President Hu Jintao, the two countries also signed agreements in the fields of technology and education.


Perhaps one of the few common traits among all the people of Turkmenistan is that although the official language is Turkmen, almost everyone speaks Russian, even people far removed from the cities.


The only pipeline route for gas exports out of landlocked central Asia goes through Russia, which doubled the price it paid for Turkmen gas last year amid growing competition from other buyers.


Anaylst Analyst Konstantin Simonov says the Chinese Turkmen Chinese-Turkmen deal has raised concerns in Russia's gas industry over the lost loss of its gas trans transit monopoly in Central Asia.


the Turkic language spoken by the Turkoman people.


Turkmen Soviet Socialist Republic

n. 土库曼苏维埃社会主义共和国(前苏联的加盟共和国)

Persian 51%, Azeri 24%, Gilaki and Mazandarani 8%, Kurd 7%, Arab 3%, Lur 2%, Baloch 2%, Turkmen 2%, other 1


Turkmen S.Treatment of the seepage problems at the Kalecik Dam(Turkey).Engineering Geology,2003;68(2):159-169


Ethnic Composition: Persian 51%, Azerbaijani 24%, Kurdish 7%, Arab 3%, Turkmen 2%, other 13



n. 土库曼人, 土库曼语

Turkoman yomud rug
