
Pages can now be typeset on-screen.


Do you mind to check up the typeset for me?


A "definiton" is typeset as shown in this sentence.


To remove,especially from written or typeset matter; delete.


Widely spaced or leaded.Used of typeset or other printed matter.


To remove, especially from written or typeset matter;delete.


To remove,especially from written or typeset matter;delete.


To remove, especially from written or typeset matter; delete.


Widely spaced or leaded. Used of typeset or other printed matter.


Detailed stylistic instructions written on a manuscript that is to be typeset.


A sign indicating that something is to be removed from typeset matter.


In contrast, legibility describes how easily or comfortably a typeset text can be read.


The division of a typeset word between syllables at the end of a line.


You are required to translate the attached file without any typeset ...


Overmaster Typeset matter which is too long to fit the space specified and so must be cut. Also called Overset.


Agency Members should undertake to typeset and artwork design of the advertisement.


Aligned evenly with a margin,as along the left or right edge of a typeset page;not indented.


Aligned evenly with a margin,as along the left or right.edge of a typeset page;not indented.


Thanks to electronic ink, the book essentially typesets itself, receiving instructions for each page via electronics housed in the spine.


Overmaster: Typeset matter which is too long to fit the space specified and so it must be cut.


Aligned evenly with a margin, as along the left or right edge of a typeset page;not indented.


The revised paper is now acceptable. In due course you will receive the typeset version for checking.


People use the desktop publishing programs to design, enter, edit, typeset and print.


Aligned evenly with a margin, as along the left or right edge of a typeset page; not indented.


An overloaded function or method will have several signatures that will generally be typeset together.


The program that realizes the input, edit and typeset of various fonts and pictures is developed.


In January, when I went to Michigan to typeset the thirteenth issue of Conrtectino Link, I realized that my time with the magazine eras finished.


Make-up: To assemble typeset matter and art work into finished pages. There are paper make up and film make-up respectively.


Make-up To assemble typeset matter and art work into finished pages.There are paper make up and film make-up respectively.


The Presbyterian Church at that time uses a Bible of Amoy dialect, which is typeset with the Church Romanized Writing (CRW) of 1930's.


Being a clerk, responsible for document processing by computers, typeset, print and design documents cover, and other job relevant.


Unlike an LCD screen, which uses power all the time, energy is no longer needed to view the electronic book's pages once they are typeset.


The story loses a bit in translation (and the typeset text looks awkward in the context of Kuper's distinctly handmade drawings).


Graphic: (1) A sign,symbol,or illustration within typeset material.(2) Pertaining to visual material or artistic representation.


At the end of this article is a gift from I, Earth Mother, in which these nine intents have typeset in the Language of Light colors in a PDF format.


Sample pages: Representative pages typeset according to specifications and layout to show what a job will look like, or to show the promised quality of the finished product.


Presently there are a lot of problems in record translating in different colleges, which needs a common standard in typeset, grade system, subjects translating and so on.


Mark-up (Marking-up): To use standard symbols and proof-readers' marks to write instructions on copy or proof regarding how it should be typeset or corrected.


Sample pages Representative pages typeset according to specifications and layout to show what a job will look like, or to show the promised quality of the finished product.


During recognition of typeset mathematical expressions,touching symbols cannot be segmented accurately that is one of the main reasons for false recognition.


These stamps were very crude and the dies for impressing them onto paper were made of curved printers’ rules with typeset letters and figures within the circle.


In Typeset and Printing, the author implemented the algorithm to optimize and typeset some papers to fit the print paper using their information of size, in order to save paper.

在打印排版 中建立了根据打印纸和多个图形的幅面信息自动优化排版算法,以实 现节省纸张的目的;

The book on paper folding is characterized in its simple design of the cover, disordered typeset of graphic demonstrations and invivid demonstration of design sketches.


Just a few years ago, the copywriter sat at a typewriter, and the art director mechanically pasted up typeset copy and whatever visual elements were in the ad.


The publishing of academic periodical is the last stage of publis hi ng work,includes the typeset,plate making,printing,binding,issuing and summ ary and so on.


During recognition of typeset mathematical expressions,touching symbols cannot be segmented accurately that is one of the main reasons for false recognition.

摘要 在印刷体数学公式识别中,不能准确地切分粘连符号是造成识别错误的主要原因之一。

Too much typeset matter.


A writing machine that produces characters similar to typeset print by means of a manually operated keyboard that actuates a set of raised types, which strike the paper through an inked ribbon.


A writing machine that produces characters similar to typeset print by means of a manually operated keyboard that actuates a set of raised types,which strike the paper through an inked ribbon.


Character master: A photographic or digitized fount which is used to create typeset images. The term is used to refer to filmstrips, discs, and digitized founts within phototypesetting equipment. Also called Character store.
