
Upon careful consideration, one cannot but be amazed at the ubiquity of ambiguity in language.


The diversity of contract language results in the ubiquity of contract interpretation.


Yet despite their ubiquity remarkably few non?engineers have heard the word "embedded" used in this context.


The Internet, with ubiquity and high efficiency, has become a candidate channel for democratic elections.


While the text is translated, the application of cohesion and the ubiquity of it are all essential.


The ubiquity of cloud-supported, multi-platform applications is not the only advantage to digital note taking.


Given the ubiquity of disks in the universe, understanding how they work is an important problem in astrophysics.


Conclusion The pollution of VOCs and aldehyde ketones in indoor air is ubiquity in newly-built.


Along with the ubiquity of mobile appliances, users increasely utilize small screen devices to read text information.


The problem is the ubiquity of the music video, which has turned the show-stopper into a regular part of everyday life.


However, the ubiquity of the Backspace key shows that incremental Undo is a learned behavior that users find to be helpful.


The ubiquity of scrollbars has unfortunately resulted in some unfortunate misuse. Most significant here is their shortcomings in navigating time.


There is nothing like the power of public persuasion, and the ubiquity of a technology solution, to drive things forward.


To annotate a selection with persistent highlighting, drag the cursor over the selection and type highlight into Ubiquity.


Chapter Two discusses binary opposition rooted in Western metaphysical tradition, and the ubiquity of binary opposites as revealed in Cat’s Eye.


The vaunted new wireless technology promises to combine the speed of broadband internet access with the ubiquity of mobile phones.


But Android ubiquity could cause headaches for Microsoft (MSFT), which would rather see its own software on a wider range of electronic devices.


The ubiquity of scrollbars has unfortunately resulted in some unfortunate misuse . Most significant here is their shortcomings in navigating time.


In recent years, they have attracted increasing attention owing to their extensive use, ubiquity in the environment and endocrine-disrupting activity.


Finally, the ubiquity of sub-pixel addressable displays suggested that the extension incorporate operations that could take full advantage of them.


The ubiquity and constancy of the CMB is a sign that it comes from a simpler past, long before structures such as planets, stars and galaxies formed.


Expanding dialog boxes were big around 1990 but have declined in popularity since then, largely due to the ubiquity of toolbars and tabbed dialogs.


With the invention of modern laptops, ubiquity of broadband Internet access, and advances in communication software, there is no longer a need to be in the office.


Since I wrote Permission Marketing in 1999, marketing has changed more than any of us could imagine. One of the biggest changes is the ubiquity of search.


The ubiquity of phenanthrene series, chrysene series compounds, perylene and retene compounds in the sediment indicated that PAHs mainly came from the terrestrial plants.


One, of course, is the ubiquity of computers, cell phones, text messaging, instant messaging, social networking, and whatever the next technological fad might be.


Due to their workaholic habits, the exigencies of the 24-hour news cycle and the ubiquity of the mobile and the email, a crisis is always only a phone call away.


The shift toward online and digital forms of information access, rather than print, is evident in the ubiquity of handheld devices and laptops around us.


Along with the development of the network, with efficient and convenient life except the rapid development of economy, and the ubiquity of network security.


Our target is to build a secure computing distributed environment that has the feature of secrecy, integrity, availability, verifiability, controllability and ubiquity.


This ubiquity explains why morphine and its cousins can generate a broad set of undesirable side effects, including severe constipation and respiratory shutdown.


I think we're seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a mall group of skilled professionals,and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity.


The ubiquity of mobile communications combined with the ever-decreasing price per minute has created the opportunities for new voice based entertainment services and for mobile operators to substitute some of the fixed line conferencing revenues.


Today, numbers are on the wane thanks to the ease with which mobiles can store and retrieve names and the ubiquity of e-mail addresses and other internet-based identity tags, such as Skype names.


After the jump: how the NTDTV Chinese New Year Spectacular has nothing to do with/ all to do with the Falun Gong, the ubiquity of sequins throughout5000 years of Chinese cultural history, plus-- pictures galore!


The authors speculated that the ubiquity of social networks, and the natural inclination of people to be influenced by the appearance and behaviors of those around them, suggest that weight gain in one person might encourage weight gain in others.


A law-order ruling environment is therefore needed so urgently because of the near ubiquity of law-order ruling actions along with the rapid process of marketization which is an integral part of the revitalization.


A team of researchers at UNH is inestigating whether the increasing ubiquity of chemical flame retardants found in foam furniture, carpeting, microwaes and computers might be related to the climbing rate of obesity in the United States.


I think we're seeing information technology reach the point that all transformational technologies reach when they are no longer controlled by just a mall group of skilled professionals, and they cross over to mass acceptance and ubiquity.

我认为我们正在目睹信息技术进人所有使事物发生变化的技术都会经历的一个重要阶段; 它们不再只为少数专业人员所掌握,而转变到为大众所接受,并且无处不在。

The medical libraries in University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University have conducted information literacy trainings in tiers from basic to advance and from ubiquity to individualization.


But the paucity of European institutions and the ubiquity of American ones at the top of international league tables are a constant reminder of the gap between glorious past and mediocre present.


Although there may be many problems during the development period, mobile e-commerce, for the ubiquity of modern mobile communication, is a great impulse of the advancement of self-help travel.


Contrapose high extractive hole processing for the mach ine processin g and repairing,Ubiquity the sword-tool adjust is difficult to adjust and low -efficiency,The precision is difficult to assure.


Increased generalization of resources in memory and ubiquity of resource access - resource views enable interpretation of resources in memory as different types or representations.


In social and economic life, we now see the ubiquity of self-reinforcing processes which display multiple equilibria, path dependence (sensitivity to initial conditions), and lock-in effects.


In recent years the mushrooming power, functionality and ubiquity of computers and the Internet have outstripped early forecasts about technology’s rate of advancement and usefulness in everyday life.


What is evident is that governments and central banks have had no previous experience of coping with shocks and stresses of the intensity and ubiquity we have seen during the past year.


Due to the ubiquity of the major family names such as Tran and Nguyen, a person is often referred to by their middle name along with their given name in Vietnamese media and youth culture.


Only in the last few years has the ubiquity of information led to a situation where not only do all people want to know all things all the time, but it is possible to do just that.


Evolution of the Photosystem-- Optical Ubiquity
