
Even though out budget is small, shows are not completely unfunded.


"It's good for patients, but it's almost an unfunded mandate.

“它的良好的病人,但它的几乎是没有着落的任务” 。

The Kenisege company then said it acquired 30% of Saab's still unfunded.


"Bonded, unfunded medical student places is immoral, unjust and I think unconstitutional ," he said.


The FAO and OIE have for some time had a largely unfunded global strategy for fighting avian flu.


No Child Left Behind has placed a restrictive, unfunded mandate on our teachers and students.


This means that owners often make it difficult unfunded repaid loan funds available.


The Tories' decision to oppose all unfunded tax cuts is a classic example of cutting off your nose to spite your face.


Any increase in the national debt will make fulfilling those unfunded promises harder in coming years.


Hillary Clinton proclaims that she will “end the unfunded mandate known as No Child Left Behind”.


Such reforms could limit the ability of today's electorate to vote itself unfunded benefits.


Such a fate raises the question of what will happen to the industry's huge unfunded pension liabilities.


Today, the mood is not very good, like bootlegging Wets encountered the same, no unfunded, did not know that a happy Or unhappy.


But in the end he achieved few cost savings, while adding a staggering $8 trillion to Medicare's unfunded liability (see chart).


Of course, there is a marvelously precise figure in many annual reports each year, purporting to be the unfunded pension liability.


And it is saddled with unfunded pensions from the pre-reform era, when industrial workers enjoyed a cradle-to-grave security system.


It said the UK government, which has the largest proportion of unfunded schemes of the three countries, has the biggest problem.


They still need the large domestic savings pool to fund domestic investments, recapitalise banks and plug the unfunded pension liabilities gap.


Although the feelings of unfunded, such as Gong in the mid-9 in the public feelings about the situation, she also has been seeking to SELF.


Of course, there is a marvelously precise figure in many annualreports each year, purporting to be the unfunded pension liability.


The government's unfunded obligations to give the elderly pensions and health care are equivalent to a debt of $483,000 for every household.


I was already pushing welfare reform and tougher child-support enforcement, and had long supported the line-item veto and ending unfunded mandates.


Its domestic policies were incoherent and unfunded, its foreign policy worryingly anti-American, its members an odd coalition of socialists and exiles from the LDP.


The bulk of unfunded future liabilities are in the form of Social Security and Medicare programme expenses.Then there are the tax cuts and the new prescription drug programme.


Yes, fiscal discipline is important; but in times as dire as these stimulus is needed and stimulus, if it is to have any effect, has to be unfunded, at least in the short term.


This is a special class, the class of 30 students from Yili and Kashi, belonging to the families of AIDS patients or poor families, there is no income, life unfunded.


The enactment of the Medicare prescription drug benefit bill added more than $8,000bn to the federal government's already huge, unfunded Medicare promises.


Both Rell and majority Democrats have said they are pleased so much of the surplus was spent on key initiatives, such as whittling down the state's unfunded liability for the teachers' pension fund.


There are no guarantees that such an assistantship will become available to you, but we certainly will try to find such opportunities for unfunded students who have been admitted into the program.

一个是PHD的录取,邮件中说: we are unable to offer you an Assistantship at this time, but we will inform you if funds become available in the future.

Estimates of total government liabilities, both funded and unfunded, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid range from $57 trillion to as much as $80 trillion. Yes, that's trillion with a "T".


unfunded regular program activities


7.And it is saddled with unfunded pensions from the pre-reform era, when industrial workers enjoyed a cradle-to-grave security system.


but in times as dire as these stimulus is needed and stimulus, if it is to have any effect, has to be unfunded, at least in the short term.


Illinois has $54.4 billion of unfunded pension liabilities, with just 54% of the assets it needs to pay for future promises to its workers;


an unfunded project.



adj. 短期流动的, 未备基金的

unfunded debt


unfunded debts

流动债务 无基金公债

Unfunded shareholder


" He said the feelings of unfunded, as work is concerned, he would later Lvliang Wei, Qimei Zhen and Guo Keying, and other wireless performance in the first heavy drama, "the crime of money induced.

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