
His speech was full of whimsy.


Swiss artist who combined his expert use of line and color and his theories of abstract art to produce works of whimsy and innocence.


All her drawings have a touch of whimsy.


Showing invention or whimsy in design;imaginative.


Showing invention or whimsy in design; imaginative.


We marvel at the whimsy of the devastation.


They have a whimsy befitting the new spectacles.


He had a whimsy about flying to the moon.


Vintage cafe curtains in a graphic floral pattern add whimsy.


Verse characterized by humor or whimsy and often featuring nonce words.


A diagonal checkerboard French limestone floor adds a touch of whimsy.


A whimsy, let Western Bloggers and Eastern Bloggers talk with each other.

discovery 一个异想天开的主意,让东方人与西方人彼此交流。

Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art.


Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature,but beautiful old people are true wokes of art.


Gratify her every whimsy; viewed from another perspective, that's loveliness, or evidence of her innocence.


They are like oracular messages, but witty-jaunty at times-and sometimes trembling on the edge of whimsy.


As serious as she is about the bullfight, she does not allow respect to----her sense of whimsy when painting it.


Yesterday I suddenly get a interesting idea, but it is not mature, and this idea is a little whimsy.


Beautiful young men are the whimsy of naturebut beautiful old men are true works of art.


Merriam-Webster's president said "w00t" was an ideal choice because it blends whimsy and new technology.


In the end, the appeal of Nolita is equally ambiguous, as it teeters at the precise intersection of whimsy and despair.


The Whimsy Puzzles website has a video preview of the app, and you can purchase it from the iTunes store.


Miss Dior Cherie is for the elegant woman, a blend of classic chic with a touch of whimsy.


Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature, but beautiful old people are true work of art.


But those who know Moravec say it is no surprise: he is an unusual mix of whimsy, wild vision and rigorous pragmatism.


Some show cars are pure whimsy, confections dreamed up by young designers at play.


Remarks: Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art.


Beautiful young people are the whimsy 1 of nature, but beautiful old people are true works of art.


Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature.but beautiful old people are true works of art.


Guestrooms are designed with touches of whimsy and bold color including glass-enclosed bathrooms.


Beautiful young people are the whimsy of nature, and beautiful old people are true works of art.


Americans have a strong taste for slapstick in various forms, and substitute riposte and banter for irony or whimsy, which they tend not to understand.


Americans have'a strong taste for slapstick in various forms,and substitute riposte and banter for irony or whimsy,which they tend not. to understand.


Talk of space stations, space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down(Gregg Easterbrook.

关于空间站、空间加工业或空间防御的高辩阔论在进入轨道所需的成本降低之前只是异想天开(格里格 衣斯特布鲁克)。

"Talk of space stations, space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down" (Gregg Easterbrook).

“关于空间站、空间加工业或空间防御的高辩阔论在进入轨道所需的成本降低之前只是异想天开” (格里格·衣斯特布鲁克)。

Talk of space stations, space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down (Gregg Easterbrook).


Talk of space stations,space manufacturing or space defense will be whimsy until the cost of reaching orbit comes down(Gregg Easterbrook.


The elements of whimsy, surprise, retro, sensory stimulation or luxury can be used in packaging to deliver brands to consumers in more memorable ways.


The figure portrays the classical fashion and mores of the royalty and their traditional dress interplayed with whimsy and humor.


But those impulses can also strip a language of its wit, whimsy, and play, not to mention its capacity to accommodate new concepts and usages.


I think you'd appreciate being left alone to explore at your own pace, to delve as deeply or shallowly as whimsy strikes you.


Whimsy is behaviour which is unusual, playful, and unpredictable, rather than having any serious reason or purpose behind it.


Mark's paintings instantly trigger a warped deja vu. His work recalls a parallel universe of 1950s Golden Books and the whimsy of Lewis Carroll.


Americans have 'a strong taste for slapstick in various forms, and substitute riposte and banter for irony or whimsy, which they tend not. to understand.


Filling an entire block, it bears all the whimsy and ornamentation of the baroque period, and statues line its roof edges like divers about to plunge into the Neva.


His lack of formal training led to a simple, direct and naive approach to natural subjects, lacking in nuance and detail but bursting with exuberant life, whimsy and color.


Both the characters and the teeming backgrounds, with all their opportunities for dramatic lighting setups, were color-scripted to maintain consistency and a persistent sense of whimsy and fun.


I still feed stray dogs at the same place but the familiar friends have gone.Sometimes an unrealistic whimsy, meeting them both on the next intersection or running to me from weed, appears.


The former Fed chairman William McChesney Martin's famous line that the role of the central bank is to “take away the punch bowl just as the party is getting good” has lost its whimsy.


`Why did you do it?' `I don't know, pure whimsy.'
