
She went, with her neat figure, and her sober womanly step, down the dark street.


The sight of him filled her with a womanly sympathy.


She showed a womanly concern for their health.


With shrewd tact and womanly kindness Nadyezhda had won his complete trust.


She has a soft womanly figure.


Twenty-eight years of womanly life and all so lonesome.


"Has she baffled me by some piece of womanly jugglery?


She went,with her neat figure,and her sober womanly step,down the dark street.


They give away the fact that they haven't the instincts of a womanly woman.


Every evidence of womanly refinement was visible in the elegant chamber.


Here are a few tips on how to keep that womanly heart beating as strong as ever.


With a combination of womanly beauty and childlike cuteness, Marilyn Monroe's charm was great.


You may have noticed, Mrs Jordan, that we are finally getting around to respecting your womanly judgment.


"Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualities" (Margaret Fuller).

“毅力和勇气就象适用男性一样适用女性” (玛格丽特·夫乐尔)。

You may have noticed, Mrs. Jordan, that we are finally getting around to respecting your womanly judgment.


She is a veritable blue stocking, her nose always stuck in a book and her interest devoid of womanly pursuits.


Persistence and courage are the most womanly no less than the most manly qualities(Margaret Fuller.


Let me make it clear, in my opinion, "modernity" goes contray to "womanly beauty".


See where she comes, and brings your froward wives As prisoners to her womanly persuasion.


We were kept in chapel twenty minutes later than usual to listen to a speech about womanly women.


Tsui's specialty was turning traditionally male genres into showcases for womanly wiles and beguiling actresses.


Minnie's womanly nature was higher than this. She figured the possibilities in such cases.


So, yeah, it's really nice having the women around and having that womanly support.


What is more, the argument runs, these supposedly womanly qualities are becoming ever more valuable in business.


Let me say it clearly, in my opinion, "modernity" is incompatible with "womanly beauty".


The French traditional design of womanly, sunshine and fresh is the trend for this year.


The clothes are very comfortable and womanly and they could be mix-matched, but they are the only one.


Her own danger disturbed her less than her concern for the two sisters, in whose behalf her womanly sympathies were now strongly enlisted.


Even though Japanese women treat men like men, they maintain their own womanly dignity, spirit and individual femininity.


Those who are more than women without ceasing to be womanly; everything that is tender, poetic, pure and in every way beautiful.


She could not look down on him from the heights of womanly superiority, smiling as women have always smiled at the antics of men who are boys at heart.


I know nothing about modern womanly beauty, but in my mind, it lies in women's everlasting qualities which have nothing to do with the times.


But at the very time that he was expressing this to himself, in another part of his mind her image floated to the surface in all its womanly beauty.


I don't know what modern womanly beauty is, but in my mind, it consists of such an eternal diathesis on women which has little relationship with time.


This figure of tile study and the cloister, as Hester Prynne's womanly fancy failed not to recall, was slightly deformed, with the left shoulder a trifle higher than the right.

尽管海丝特 - 白兰那女性的想象力竭力想摆脱他的形象,但那学者和隐士的身影还是出现了:他略带畸形,左肩比右肩稍高。

She went, with her neat figure and her sober womanly step, down the dark street, and he stood looking after her until she turned into one of the small houses.


Who are your favorite heroines of fiction? Those who are more than women without ceasing to be womanly; everything that is tender, poetic, pure and in every way beautiful.


She rather liked to embroider silk lambrequins, as a feat of womanly prowess, but her darning of Father's socks was an impatient and not-too-skillful performance.


Which makes sense, since many of my friends think of me asacomedic (if womanly) painter, with a strong penchantforgovernmental interventionist fiscal policy.


While your sparkling, emotive eyes, chiseled bone structure and womanly proportions make you the picture of the feminine urge to nurture, there's more to you than meets the eye!


Miss Darcy was tall, and on a larger scale than Elizabeth;and, though little more than sixteen, her figure was formed, and her appearance womanly and graceful.


It would have seemed as foolish to expect dignified reserve or womanly gravity from this amber-haired syren, as to wish for rich basses in the clear treble of a skylark's song.


In a society that often forgives men who wander more readily than women who neglect their traditional role, Royal - for all her womanly charms - is now perceived as curiously unfeminine.


The second is almost an example of what Jung called "great dreams", as it shows the contrast that opposes a manly position (the Animus and Father archetypes) to a womanly world (that of the Mothers).


It was not to promote high intellectual learning (xue 学) among women, or to cultivate feminine aesthetic talent (cal 才), but to inculcate practical principles of ethical womanly conduct (jiao 教).


womanly virtues of gentleness and compassion.


the state of being a woman; womanly qualities.


effeminate; womanish; womanly


8.The sight of him filled her with a womanly sympathy.


Those who are more than women without ceasing to be womanly;
