
We should beware of fast-tracking corporate Wunderkinder.


She retained the passion and quickness of a wunderkind.


Carson Maulers is a wunderkind in the 20th century of American literary history.


The 20-year-old wunderkind Ding failed to continue his magical run, ending the year without a title.


Look, if my brother the wunderkind couldn't make it work, i seriously doubt i'd be able to...

听着 如果我哥那样一个青年才俊。都搞不定这件事 我就得怀疑自己...

But how does the wunderkind detective investigate crime scenes without ever stepping out of his home?

更令人讶异的是,这个案件居然由从没到过现场的冰室警官(堂本光一 饰)接手侦办....。

Bynum is the 20-year-old wunderkind who arrived upon the scene years earlier than expected. He and Kobe became an unlikely but wondrous combination.


The film also checks in on some of the original TREKKIES profilees like wunderkind Gabriel Koerner and Whitewater juror Barbara Adams.

另外还有一名穿著星舰制服出席陪审团而引起轩然大波的Barbara Adams。

A group of interns with a nine year's old wunderkind led by the ministry of education of Korea visited the Microsoft Asia Reasearch Institute.


In the annals of world history, however, this military wunderkind is perhaps better remembered for his bizarre and mysterious death than for his military glory.


The tale of Andrew Bynum, the 20-year-old wunderkind who blossomed far ahead of schedule, most likely due to the gauntlet Kobe Bryant threw at him last summer.


More Happily, Song Zuying, was awarded the nomination last year after another Chinese honor list this year, he is 25-year-old piano wunderkind Lang Lang.


At 53, his blond hair graying, he is no longer the wunderkind who, in his early thirties, changed the way CEOs thought about their companies and industries.


The wunderkind, who has a bedroom shelf so full of sporting trophies that there would scarcely be room for an Oscar, appears to have a sense of humour, too.


He may well be right to think that the Wunderkind had broken his word not just on public campaign finance but also on several other issues, including holding a series of “town-hall” debates.


For the time being, they just have to wait to see if Wenger will use the Manchester City money on some Mongolian wunderkind or if he will surprise them and lay out for the finished article.


“And if you have a 6-7 wunderkind rebounder, you list him at 6-8 to get Division I scouts to notice.


after all, he is the Chinese creative wunderkind who dazzled the world with the Olympic Opening Ceremony.


