习惯用语act the ass1.作糊涂事; 出洋相play the ass1.作糊涂事; 出洋相All asses wag their ears.1.[谚]驴子摇耳朵, 傻瓜装聪明; 满瓶子不响, 半瓶晃荡。an ass between two bundles of hay1.优柔寡断的人an ass in a lion's skin1.披着狮皮的驴; 气势汹汹的胆小鬼; 色厉内荏的人; 冒充聪明的傻瓜an ass with two panniers1.[谑]两臂各挽一女子在街上行走的男人be an ass for one's pains1.费力不讨好, 自讨苦吃Buridan's ass1.优柔寡断的人make an ass of oneself1.[口]做蠢事; 闹笑话make an ass of sb.1.[口]捉弄某人on one's ass1.处境恶劣; 穷困潦倒sell your ass1.[口]不要这样蠢till the ass ascends the ladder1.决不可能; 绝对办不到; 等到驴年马月ass in grain1.十足的大傻瓜