be taken bad

1. 发病

She was taken bad during the night.


feel bad about

1. 感到抱歉

I feel so bad about not being able to help you.

不能帮助你, 我真感到抱歉。

go from bad to worse

1. 每况愈下

Things went from bad to worse: she lost her job and then became ill.

情形每况愈下:她丢了工作, 接着又病了。

go to the bad

1. 堕落

The boy went to the bad after his father died.


习惯用语be taken bad1.[口]突然得病feel bad1.觉得不舒服; 感到有病feel bad about sth.1.对某事感到不快go bad1.(食物)变质2.(表演者)表演不能称心如意; (球类选手)打得不顺手3.(禽兽)变得凶恶go from bad to worse1.恶化, 每况愈下go to the bad1.道德败坏, 堕落; 破产, 没落He that spares the bad injures the good.1.[谚]纵容坏人就是伤害好人。in bad (with)1.在危急状态中2.倒霉; 失宠not bad (=not half bad, not so bad, not too bad)1.不坏2.不错, 相当好Nothing so bad as not to be good for sth..1.天下没有百之百的坏事(塞翁失马, 焉知非福)。take the bad with the good1.把苦乐扯平看, 幸与不幸都得忍受the bad1.坏人; 恶事, 恶运to the bad1.拖欠, 亏空, 出现赤字2.垮台; 破产too bad1.[口]太不幸了; 可惜bad at1.不善于bad for1.有害于B-is the best.1.没有选择的余地(反正都是坏的)。