(a) fat chance

1. (作反语用)很少可能

Were you scared? Fat chance.

你当时受惊了吗? 才不呢。

off chance

1. 不容易有的机会; 极小之可能性

There is an off chance of finding her at home.


by any chance

1. 万一; 也许

If by any chance somebody calls me, ask him to leave a message.

万一有人给我来电, 请他留话。

by chance

1. 偶然

I met Tom by chance yesterday.


chance it

1. 冒险; 碰碰运气

I don't know if we can succeed or not, but let's chance it.

我不知道我们是否能成功, 不过我们试试看吧。

chance on/upon

1. 巧遇

We chanced upon him in the park the day before yesterday.


chances are (that)

1. 可能

Chances are she's already heard the news.


not (even) a dog's chance

1. 一点机会也没有

He doesn't stand a dog's chance of buying a house this year because the bank has refused to lend him any money.

今年他肯定不能买房子, 因为银行已拒绝给他贷款。

on the chance of

1. 怀着……的希望

I'll call at her office on the chance of seeing her before she leaves.

我要到她办公室去拜访, 希望能在她离开前见到她。

on the chance that

1. 希望

He waited on the chance that she might want to say more.

他等着, 希望她还有话要说。

on the off chance

1. 对……抱微小的希望

I was lucky to find her at the airfield. I only went on the off chance.


stand a good chance

1. 很有可能

I think he stands a good chance of succeeding in the experiment.


stand little chance

1. 不大可能

Unqualified teachers stand little chance of being employed.


stand no chance

1. 没有可能

This team stands no chance of winning the match.


take a chance

1. 冒险

We will take a chance with the weather and go for a picnic.


take one's chance(s)

1. 碰运气; 准备冒险

The soldiers knew that they must take their chances in the battle.


the main chance

1. 最好的机会

I think I must do it; this may be my main chance.

我认为我非做不可, 这可能是我的大好机会。

习惯用语a dog's chance1.极微小的一点儿机会a fat chance1.[口]良机2.[讽]很少希望, 可能性很小a fifty-fifty chance1.一半的可能性a smart chance1.[美俚]很大的可能性a smart chance of1.大量的, 很多的as chance would have it1.[口]凑巧; 偏偏; 不巧as it may chance1.要看当时的情况, 不能预料by any chance1.万一, 碰巧, 或许by chance1.偶然, 意外地by some chance1.不知为啥, 不知道为什么Cat-in-hell's chance1.微乎其微的机会fighting chance1.需要奋斗的机会, 经过努力才能成功的机会give sb. a chance1.给某人一次机会2.[口]讲点道理吧, 不要太苛求啦give sb. the chance1.给(某人)以机会[条件]give sb. the chance1.给(某人)以机会[条件]half a chance1.一点点机会have as much chance as a snowflake in hell1.[澳]毫无希望have no chance whatever1.没有任何希望leave nothing to chance1.把事情做得四平八稳, 不留漏洞leave things to chance1.听天由命, 听其自然let the chance slip1.错过机会long chance1.冒相当大的险, 没有多大把握的事情lose no chance for1.不放松, 抓住时机not a cat's chance1.[口]毫无机会, 全无希望, 没有任何可能not ( a cat's a dog's chance1.[口]毫无机会, 全无希望, 没有任何可能not even a cat's chance1.[口]毫无机会, 全无希望, 没有任何可能not even a cat's a dog's chance1.[口]毫无机会, 全无希望, 没有任何可能off chance1.不大会有的机会, 极小的可能性on the chance of1.指望, 期待, 心想也许会on the chance that1.指望, 期待, 心想也许会on the off chance1.抱着万一希望; 只是碰碰运气outside chance1.极少的可能性, 不大可能的机会run the chance of being ...1.有...的可能sporting chance1.[口]胜负均等的机会, 公平的机会stand a chance of1.有...的希望stand no chance of1.没有...的希望stand one's chance1.碰碰运气, 好歹试试看take a chance1.冒一冒险, 碰碰运气, 利用一下机会take one's chance1.冒一冒险, 碰碰运气, 利用一下机会take chances1.冒一冒险, 碰碰运气, 利用一下机会take no chances1.不冒险, 力求万全the main chance1.最有利的机会, 赚钱机会, 发财机会chance it1.[口]冒险一试, 碰运气chance one's arm1.[口]冒险一试, 碰运气chance one's luck1.[口]冒险一试, 碰运气chance of a lifetime1.千载难逢的良机, 一生中唯一的机会chance on1.偶然遇见, 不期而遇chance upon1.偶然遇见, 不期而遇