come about

1. 发生

How did this come about?


2. 变方向

come across

1. 走过来

She came across to talk with me.


2. 偶然碰到

We came across an old man lying in the road.


I came across an old friend yesterday.


3. 出现于

A very good idea came across his mind.


4. 【口】还, 还清

When will you come across with the money?


come after

1. 紧跟

Spring comes after winter.


come along

1. 一起来

He came along with us.


2. 进展

The work was coming along quite well.


3. 出现

You should be ready to solve any problem that may come along.


come and go

1. 来来去去; 变化不断

Fashions come and go but the long dress is always popular.

时装不断变化, 但长的服装却永远受到青睐。

come apart

1. 破碎

The camera just came apart the first time he used it.


come at

1. 攻击; 向……冲去

The man came at the boy with a stick.


2. 得到; 了解

The purpose of the official inquiry was to come at the true facts of the event.


come away

1. 离开

He had to come away before the party ended.


2. 脱落

The handle of the hammer came away easily.


come back

1. 回来

She came back two hours later.


2. 记起

It's suddenly come back to him where he saw her last.


3. 恢复原状; 重新流行

Short skirts are coming back.


come before

1. 比……重要

He holds that his family comes before his job.


2. 被提交……考虑

The proposal came before the general assembly the next day.


come between

1. 分开

Anna and Ida are very good friends and nothing can come between them.

安娜和艾达是好朋友, 没什么能使她们分开。

2. 干涉

It is never wise to come between a man and his wife.


3. 阻碍

He never let anything come between him and his daily work.


come by

1. (从……旁)经过

He has just come by.


2. 得到

How did you come by this tool?


come down

1. 倒塌

The ceiling came down suddenly.


2. 流传下来

The story has come down from time immemorial.


3. 失势

He had come down in the world.


come down with

1. 出(钱)

How much did she come down with?


2. 得, 染上(病)

Our children all came down with the flu last week.


The girl has come down with pneumonia.


come down on/upon

1. 申斥

The teacher came down on her for talking in class.

由于上课时讲话, 老师严厉地批评了她。

2. 向……索取

He came down on us for payment.


3. 临到

Such things rarely come down on you.


come forth

1. 出现

I had expected much from his speech, but nothing new came forth.

我曾对他的演讲抱有很大希望, 但实际上没有什么新鲜东西。

come forward

1. 自告奋勇; 站出来

Only one witness of the accident has come forward.


2. (建议等)被提出讨论

The matter will come forward at the next meeting.


come home to

1. 被完全领会

At last the real difficulty came home to us.


come in

1. (比赛)得名次

The horse came in second.


2. 到达

The train has already come in.


3. 上市

When do fresh strawberries come in?


4. 流行起来

When did the miniskirt first come in?


5. 上任

The ambassador came in last month.


6. 进来

come in for

1. 受到; 得到

His paintings came in for a great deal of attention.


come of

1. 出身于

She comes of a rich family.


2. 由……引起

We don't know if anything good will come of your decision.


come off

1. 脱离; 分开

A button has come off your coat.


2. 举行

When will the race come off?


3. 成功

At last his plan came off.


4. 离开

Please come off the grass.


5. 表现

She came off well in the contest.


come on

1. 跟着来

You'd better go now, and I'll come on later.

你最好现在就去, 我随后就来。

2. 进展

How are things coming on?


3. 逐渐开始

Night is coming on.


4. 上演

This play is coming on again next month.


come out

1. 出现

The moon came out from behind the clouds.


2. 出版

When will his new novel come out?


3. 结果是

The party came out all right.


4. 传出

When the news came out, everyone was shocked.

消息传来, 人人都感到震惊。

5. 总计

The total came out at 1010.


come out with

1. 说出, 提出

After some hesitation, she came out with the whole truth.

犹豫了一会, 她终于道出了全部真相。

2. 出版, 发表

They are going to come out with a great new encyclopedia next month.


come over

1. 从远方(或克服障碍后)过来

They came over from the South to see me.


2. 顺便来访

Come over any time; I'm always in.

请随便什么时候来坐坐, 我总在家。

3. 抓住

A fit of dizziness came over me.


come round

1. 顺道拜访

He came round last week and we chatted for a while.

上星期他顺道来访, 我们闲聊了一会。

2. 再度降临(或发生)

Christmas will soon come round.


3. 苏醒

The wounded soldier soon came round.


come through

1. 经历……仍活着, 安然渡过

She came through a serious illness last year.


2. 显露

His character came through in his writing.


3. 接通

She was just about to leave the house when her husband came through on the phone from New York.

她正要离开家时, 她丈夫从纽约打来了电话。

4. 胜利; 成功

come to

1. 共计

The bill came to $20.


2. 涉及

When it comes to German, I know nothing.

谈到德语, 我一窍不通。

3. 苏醒过来

When she came to, she could not, for a moment, recognize the surroundings.

她苏醒过来时, 一下子记不清自己在什么地方。

4. 被继承

The house came to him when his parents passed away.

父母过世后, 房子就归他了。

5. 达成

They have come to a decision.


6. 停住; 下锚

come to oneself

1. 恢复自制力

Don't worry about his obstinate refusal to cooperate; he'll come to himself before long.

不用担心他现在不肯合作; 很快他会恢复理智的。

2. 苏醒过来

The robbers knocked him unconscious, and when he came to himself he was lying alone in the dark.

盗贼们把他打昏, 当他醒来时, 他发现自己躺在黑暗中。

come under

1. 被包括在……之内; 可在……下(或后)查到

What word does this phrase come under?


2. 遭受

They came under heavy enemy gunfire.


come up

1. 开始; 发生

I'll let him know if anything comes up.

如有什么事, 我会告诉他的。

2. 被提出, 被讨论

A number of questions came up at the meeting.


3. 走过来

She came up and said, "Glad to meet you."

她走过来说, "很高兴见到你。"

4. 开始流行

come up against

1. 突然地碰到(困难等)

We should solve all the problems we have come up against.


come upon

1. 突然产生

A good idea came upon me.


2. 偶然遇到

I came upon her in the bank last week.


3. 降临

Fear came upon him as he waited.


come up to

1. 等于; 到达(标准等)

The water came up to my knees.


2. 符合

Your work does not come up to the requirements.


come up with

1. 赶上

We came up with a group of tourists.


2. (针对问题等)想出; 提供

He came up with good ideas for the product promotion.


He could not come up with a proper answer.


3. 准备好(钱等)

You must come up with the money by tomorrow night.


come what may/will

1. 不管发生什么

Come what may, we'll always stand by your side.

不管发生什么, 我们总与你站在一起。

to come

1. 未来的

For a year to come, I'll have a lot to do.

在未来的一年中, 我有许多事要做。

习惯用语as they come1.按照原来的样子2.[口]非常, 极其Easy come easy go.1.(=Light come, light go; Lightly come, lightly go. )[谚]来得容易去得快(常指财物)。Everything comes to him who waits.1.[谚]耐心等待,必有所得。First come first served.1.[谚]先到先招待; 先到先供应。How come?1.[口]为什么? 怎么会? 怎么搞的?How comes it that? (=How is it that...?)1.[口]为什么? 怎么回事?How comes it about that? (=How is it that...?)1.[口]为什么? 怎么回事?if it comes to that1.如果事情到了那种地步Let'em all come.1.让他们都来吧 (对大家的挑战, 表示自信、蔑视)。Let them all come.1.让他们都来吧 (对大家的挑战, 表示自信、蔑视)。to come1.未来的, 将要到来的come about1.发生; (风等)改变方向; 转帆, 转航向come across1.偶然碰见; 无意中找到2.出现于, 想到3.[口]有效果, 使人能理解4.[俚]付欠款, 捐(款), 交钱5.相认, 照办, 吐露实情come after1.跟着...来, 跟在...后面2.来取, 寻找; 争取3.追赶4.继承come again1.再说一遍2.(从昏迷中)清醒过来3.[方]死后现形come alive1.活跃起来; 显得象真的似的come along1.一起来, 一道走; 同意, 赞成, (祈使语气)请过来, 快一点儿; 进展; 进步come amiss1.不称心, 不合适, 不受欢迎come and get it1.[美口](饭预备好了)请过来吃吧!come and go1.来来往往; 作短暂访问; 变化不定come and go upon1.信赖, 信任; 有行动自由come apart1.裂开; 破裂; 垮下来, 崩溃come at1.攻击, 扑向; 达到; 得到come away1.脱开; 断开; 离开, 发芽, 生长; [方]跟我一起走; [苏]到屋里来come away none the wiser1.结果还是一点也不明白而归come back1.回来; 忆起, 恢复原有地位[健康]; (风尚)又流行起来; [美俚]还嘴come before1.位于...之前; 被交付处理[审判]; 被提出come between1.在...中间; 离间; 使分开; 妨碍某人做某事come by1.弄到, 获得2.偶然搞到, 偶然得到3.经过, 从旁边过去4.[美方]来串门, 拜访come clean1.[美俚]全盘招供, 坦白交代; 修完课程(大学毕业)come down1.下来, 倒下; 倒塌; 砍伐[倒]; 下(雪, 雨等); 降落; 拿出钱来接济; (从城市)来到(乡下); 大学毕业;【戏】走出戏台口; 从兴奋剂作用中醒过来; [美俚]发生come down on1.向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down upon1.向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down hard on1.向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down hard upon1.向...索取(钱等); 申斥, 严厉惩罚; 强烈反对come down to1.下垂到, 达到; 流传下来, 可归结为; 屈尊; 被迫come down with1.[口]出钱; 得(病), 付款come for1.为某种目的而来取; 来接; 向...冲来; 对...进行袭击come forth1.出来; 涌现; 被公布; 出世come forward1.被提出; 自愿效劳; 主动响应; 增长come from1.是...地方人; 产自2.来自, 是...结果, 起因于3.出身于, 生于come home1.回家;【航海】锚脱掉; 打中; 说得正对; 刺中(...心病); 打动人心; 被理解, 影响深远come in1.进来; 到达; 开始; 开始使用...; 开始生产; (潮水)升涨; (火车)进站; (船舶)进港; 到成熟季节; 当选, 就任, 执政, (党派等)上台; (钱)到手; 起作用; 【信】(对对方的呼唤进行)回话; 回复; 流行起来; 干涉; [美俚](母牛)下仔come in for1.得到; 领取(份儿); 受到(处分); 吸引; 适用于, 对...有用come in handy1.将来(可能)有用come in on1.参加, 参与come in upon1.参加, 参与come into1.进入; 得到;继承(财产等)come it1.?痉? 拿出钱来; 泄密; (拳击)示弱; 卖弄; 吹牛; 获得成功come it over1.胜过, 骗过, 对...摆威风come it strong1.[俚]做得过份; 过于夸大come near1.不劣于, 不亚于, 及得上; 几乎, 差一点就come of1.出身于; 由...引起; 是...的结果; 是在...生长大的come from1.出身于; 由...引起; 是...的结果; 是在...生长大的come off1.(从...)离开, 走开2.从...跌下, 从...下来3.分离, 脱落4.发生, 举行5.[口]实现, 成功, 有效果6.表现(好、坏), (事情)进展得7.逃脱, 结束, 摆脱come off it1.[口]别装蒜了, 别胡诌[胡闹, 吹牛]了, 别骗人了come off well1.运气好, 走运, (事情)有满意的结果come off with1.发表(言论), 宣布come on1.偶然遇见(某人), 无意中发现(某物)2.来临, 袭来3.(雨、雪等)开始下; 出现4.跟着来, 跟上来5.进餐, 进展, 成长, 滋长6.登场, 上演7.表现出来; [美俚]留下印象; 产生效果8.(问题等)被提出来9.得啦, 快点, 别胡扯啦come upon1.偶然遇见(某人), 无意中发现(某物)2.来临, 袭来3.(雨、雪等)开始下; 出现4.跟着来, 跟上来5.进餐, 进展, 成长, 滋长6.登场, 上演7.表现出来; [美俚]留下印象; 产生效果8.(问题等)被提出来9.得啦, 快点, 别胡扯啦come out1.出来2.出现3.(芽)生出来, (花)开4.出版5.暴露; 传出6.初次露面, 初次登台, 初入社会7.发展, 进展, 结局8.(考试、比赛等)结果是..., 名列第...9.表露, 呈现10.(污点等)被去掉, (颜色)褪去11.(题目, 公式等)被解出来12.罢工13.出狱come out against1.出来反对; 反抗come out at1.(总数、平均数等) 达, 共计come out flat-footed1.[美口]打开天窗说亮话come out for1.声明支持; 表示同意, 赞同; 出去(散步, 野餐, 远足等)come out in1.(部分皮肤)发出(红斑, 丘疹等)come out of1.出自, 生自; (冲破...)出来; 脱离, 摆脱C-out of that!1.[俚] 走开! 滚蛋! 住手come out with1.被伴随着; 透露; 说出; 公布come over1.顺便访问; 发生; 侵占; 占上风; 过来, 从远方来; 转到...方面来; (感觉, 影响等)攫住; 支配; [口]欺骗come round1.到来; 再度来; 来访; 绕道而行; [口]息怒; 消气; 苏醒过来; 恢复知觉或健康; 回心转意; 屈服, 让步; 哄; 改变方向come around1.到来; 再度来; 来访; 绕道而行; [口]息怒; 消气; 苏醒过来; 恢复知觉或健康; 回心转意; 屈服, 让步; 哄; 改变方向come round to1.[口]经过一段时间耽搁以后又着手(做某事)come round to doing sth.1.[口]经过一段时间耽搁以后又着手(做某事)come short home1.遭到不幸; 遭到失败come through1.经受(困难)而活过来; 脱险; 完成, 胜利; (消息)传出; (电话)接通; 通行; [美俚]资[捐]助; [美俚]招供; 照办; 拿出(钱等); [美]改变信仰, 变节come to1.达到, 总计为; 终于; 结果是; 苏醒(过来);把船朝着风头; 停泊; 继承(财产); (马, 牛群等)迅速向左转come to oneself1.(昏迷后)苏醒过来; 恢复理性, 停止胡闹come to pass1.发生; 实现come to sb.1.(事情)临到某人头上; (财产)遗留给某人come to stay1.留下不走, 住下来; 长久存在; 已成定局come to that (=if it comes to that)1.如果事实是那样的话; 无论如何come to think of it1.[口]我想起来了come to this1.等于这样说, 就是这样2.达到这种地步; 出现这种情况come together1.集[会]合; 夫妇同居生活; (对立双方)消除分歧come under1.归入, 纳入2.受到(影响, 支配等)3.属于...职权范围come up1.走近; 上(楼)来; (从土中)长出, 发芽; 被提出; 流行起来; [英]进大学; 进城(尤指去伦敦); 上升; 抬头; [俗]呕吐; 快! (驱使牛、马行走或前进时的吆喝)come up against1.遇到(困难); 遭到(反对); 与...矛盾come up smiling1.[口](遭到挫折, 失败之后)以勇敢和乐观的姿态出现come up to1.并驾齐驱; 达到; 数到; 不负(期望); 合乎(标准等)come up with1.追及; 呈出; 供给; 复仇; 责罚; 提出(建议); [口]找到(答案, 解决办法)come upon1.偶然碰见(某人)2.(灾难, 寒潮等)突然向...袭来3.突然产生于...4.成为...的负担5.要求(支持或帮助)come on1.偶然碰见(某人)2.(灾难, 寒潮等)突然向...袭来3.突然产生于...4.成为...的负担5.要求(支持或帮助)come what may1.不管发生什么事情, 不管怎样come what will1.不管发生什么事情, 不管怎样come with1.伴随...发生; 与...一起供给come within1.进入(听力、视力、射程等)所及的范围; 属于, 归入Coming up!1.[口](指饭菜)准备好了!这就端上来了!