cursed with

1. 受……之害

He is cursed with a violent temper.


习惯用语be cursed with1.受...折磨, 不幸有...毛病, 因...而受害be under a curse1.被诅咒, 遭天灾call down a curse upon sb.1.诅咒人lay a curse upon sb.1.诅咒人pronounce a curse upon sb.1.诅咒人care a curse1.感兴趣, 在乎lay sb. under a curse1.诅咒某人; 叫某人遭天遣not care a curse1.[口]毫不在乎not worth a curse1.一文不值the curse of Cain1.流离漂泊的天罚the curse of Scotland1.方块九点的纸牌; 苏格兰的祸根(方块九点的纸牌形似 Stair 伯爵 Dalrymple 的纹章, 此人曾参预 Glencoe 地方的大 屠 杀, 并参预苏格兰1707年归并英格兰的活动, 为苏格兰人深恶痛绝)curse and swear1.咒骂curse by bell, book and candle1.逐出教门(天主教)之外curse with bell, book and candle1.逐出教门(天主教)之外C-(upon) it!1.该死!Curses come home to roost.1.[谚]Curses like chickens come home to roost.1.[谚]2.诅咒别人, 报应自身; 害人反害已。