at a low ebb

1. 衰退; 不振

The economy of the country was at a low ebb.


习惯用语at an ebb (=at a low ebb, at low ebb)1.处于低潮, 处于衰退状态at ebb1.[诗]干涸(指眼泪)be at its lowest ebb1.山穷水尽, 衰落到极点be at the lowest ebb1.山穷水尽, 衰落到极点on the ebb1.正在退潮, 衰落at the ebb1.正在退潮, 衰落ebb and flow1.潮水涨退; (命运)盛衰; 沧桑; (情绪)变化; 变幻ebb away1.消逝, 渐渐衰退ebb tide1.退潮