forget it

1. 不必在意

"I'm sorry I broke the glass." " Forget it."

"对不起, 我打碎了你的玻璃杯。" "不必在意。"

forget oneself

1. 失态; 失去理智

He forgot himself and hit her.


2. 先人后己

He always forgets himself.


not forgetting

1. 也包括……在内

We will visit London Bridge, Westminster, not forgetting the Big Ben.

我们将参观伦敦桥, 西敏寺大教堂, 还有大本钟。

习惯用语F-about it .1.不要介意, 算不了什么, 不用谢了; 让它去吧, 别再提了forgive and forget1.不念旧恶, 不记仇forget oneself1.忘我, 奋不顾身2.忘乎所以3.昏过去, 失去知觉