at/on sb.'s heels

1. 紧随某人

He followed on my heels.


come to heel

1. 顺从

He was always a naughty child but he had to learn to come to heel when he went to school.

他一向顽皮, 可是上学后他只好学会服从。

cool one's heels

1. 久等

I had to cool my heels for half an hour.


down at (the) heel

1. 褴褛的

He used to dress quite smartly, but he looks very down at heel nowadays.

他过去衣着讲究, 现在却是衣衫褴褛。

lay/set by the heels

1. 拘捕

The escaped prisoner was free for only a week before the police laid him by the heels.


under the heel of

1. 在……掌握中

In the early nineteenth century Italy was under the heel of Austria.


特殊用法arm-pull with inside back heel1.拉臂握踝摔back heel1.向后绊摔back-up heel1.切料冲头的突出部