on the hop

1. 忙碌; 忙乱

The young man was kept on the hop for four hours while his wife was having the baby.

他妻子生孩子时, 这小伙子一连忙碌了四个小时。

习惯用语as mad as hops1.[美口]气得要命; 气得暴跳如雷catch sb. on the hop1.[口]当场捉住; 使某人措手不及keep sb. on the hop1.使某人积极或活跃起来; 使某人忙个不停on the hop1.出其不意; 当场2.忙个不停hop along1.单足跳跃前进2.[口]走; 离开hop off1.[俚]滚开; 逃走2.[俚]死3.[口](飞机)起飞hop off it1.[俚]滚开; 逃走2.[俚]死3.[口](飞机)起飞hop on1.[俚]责骂hop all over1.[俚]责骂hop, skip and jump1.【体】三级跳2.[美]很近的距离hop, step and jump1.【体】三级跳2.[美]很近的距离hop to it1.开始工作 习惯用语as thick as hops1.有的是, 多得很be hopped up1.抽鸦片抽得昏昏沉沉的2.激动的; 兴奋的; 充满渴望full of hops1.[美俚]胡说八道; 胡言乱语hop up1.给...服麻醉品2.使兴奋; 激励3.超额增加发动机的马力