mend one's fences

1. 修复友好关系

They tried to mend their fences with us.


on the mend

1. 在好转中

The doctor said that he was on the mend.


习惯用语It is never too late to mend.1.[谚]改过不嫌晚。Least said, soonest mended.1.话少易正, 少说为妙。on the mend1.[mending hand](病情或事态)在好转中mend like sour ale in summer1.恶化, 每况愈下mend matters [the matter]1.改善情况mend one's fences1.修补篱笆(改善关系, 使人们重新支持自己)mend one's ways1.改过自新, 改邪归正mend or end1.不改则废mendor mar1.促使...完全成功或彻底失败