month of Sundays

1. 很长的时间

It will take us a month of Sundays to finish this work.


for months

1. 好几个月

I've stayed there for months.


month after month

1. 一月一月地, 月复一月

If you do the same things month after month, you may get bored.

如果你每月都做同样的事情, 你可能会感到厌烦。

month in, month out

1. 每月

I do the same things month in, month out.


习惯用语a month of Sundays1.[口]很长的时间by the month1.按月month after month1.一月又一月month by month1.逐月, 月月month in, month out (=month in and month out)1.月月, 每月特殊用法alternate month1.隔月刊anomalistic month1.近点月(约为27.554550天)base month1.基期月份busy month1.旺月draconitic month1.交点月drop-off month1.不需要的月份dry month1.旱月fence month1.禁猎期intercalary month1.闰月(即二月)moon month1.朔望月, 太阴月, 农历月r months1.九月至次年四月(因月名中都有r字母); (在北半球为)牡蛎当令的季节nodical month1.交点月sidereal month1.恒星月(27日7时43分11.5秒)sheep month1.牧羊月数spot month1.现货交货月synodic month1.朔望月tropical month1.分至月