all night (long)

1. 整夜

She sat by her sick husband all night.


at night

1. 在夜里

They usually keep a light on at night.


by night

1. 在夜间

He used to work in an office by day and drive a taxi by night.

他过去白天在办公室上班, 晚上开出租车。

have a good night

1. 睡得好

I haven't had a good night for so long.


have/take a night off

1. 晚上不工作

I will have a night off today.


in the night

1. 在夜里

I woke up several times in the night.


night after night

1. 一夜又一夜地

He went out drinking night after night.


night and day

1. 日以继夜地

They had been traveling night and day for a whole week.


What is done by night appears by day.

1. 若要人不知, 除非己莫为。

习惯用语a dirty night1.暴风雨之夜, 雨夜all night1.整夜, 通宵, 彻夜all night long1.整夜, 通宵, 彻夜all the night through1.整夜, 通宵, 彻夜Arabian nights1.天方夜谭(一千零一夜), [喻]不可思议的故事as black as night1.昏黑, 漆黑as dark as night1.昏黑, 漆黑at night1.天黑时; 在夜里, 夜间, 晚上at nights1.每夜, 夜夜; 经常在夜里by night1.在夜间, 趁黑夜call it a night1.[口]今晚就做到这里, 收工eternal night1.长眠, 死far into the night1.至深夜field night1.(议会)举行重要会议或辩论之夜first night1.(戏剧, 电影等)上演的第一夜; 初次上演的夜场戏go forth into the night1.走到黑处Good night!1.(晚上分手或睡觉前分别用语)明天见!have a good night1.睡得好 [不好]have a bad night1.睡得好 [不好]pass a good night1.睡得好 [不好]pass a bad night1.睡得好 [不好]have a night out1.在外头玩上一晚上; 一个晚上不上班have a night off1.在外头玩上一晚上; 一个晚上不上班have the night out1.在外头玩上一晚上; 一个晚上不上班have the night off1.在外头玩上一晚上; 一个晚上不上班in the depth of night1.在三更半夜, 在深夜keep over night1.保持[继续]到早上last over night1.保持[继续]到早上late at night1.在深夜make a night of it1.通宵宴乐; 玩到天亮make night hideous1.使黑夜变得恐怖可怕; [转]夜里吵得令人无法睡眠of nights1.[口]在夜里, 夜里经常on nights1.[口]在夜里, 夜里经常o'nights1.[口]在夜里, 夜里经常put up for the night1.投宿sb.'s night to howl1.任某人尽情欢乐的时候spend the night with1.在...家过夜stay over night1.留宿过夜the dead of night1.夜深人静时; 夜静更深时the other night1.前两天的夜里, 不久前的某个夜里through out the night1.通宵达旦turn night into day1.以黑夜当白昼; 开夜车; 干[玩]通宵Twelfth night1.主显节的前夕2.主显节之夜under cover of night1.趁黑夜, 在夜幕遮盖[掩护]下watch night1.除夕2.除夕礼拜What is done by night appears by day.1.[谚]若要人不知, 除非己莫为。wet night1.[俚]醉酒的夜晚white night1.不眠之夜2.【天】白夜night after night1.一夜又一夜地; 一连好几夜地night and day1.昼夜, 日夜不停地night by night1.夜夜, 夜连夜night of the long knives1.长刀之夜, 血的清洗2.采?承牌逍形氖笨? 采取果敢或冷酷行动的时刻night out1.节日的夜晚2.(仆役等)每周不用工作的夜晚