cannot see beyond one's nose

1. 鼠目寸光

He is by no means a good businessman because he cannot see beyond his nose.

他根本谈不上是位精明的生意人, 他总是鼠目寸光。

follow one's nose

1. 笔直走

Just follow your nose until you reach the first crossroad, and then turn right.

照直走, 走到第一个交叉路口右转。

2. 凭本能行事

You should not always follow your nose once you step into the world.

一旦你进入社会, 就不能总是凭本能行事。

have/bury one's nose in a book

1. 埋头看书

Whenever he is free, he will bury his nose in a book.


keep sb.'s nose to the grindstone

1. 使某人勤奋工作

The teacher believed in hard work and always kept our noses to the grindstone.

老师提倡勤奋, 而且也总是要我们埋头读书。

lead by the nose

1. 完全控制

You're not going to lead me again by the nose!


look down one's nose at

1. 瞧不起

You should not look down your nose at him.


nose about

1. 探听

You'd better go and nose about a bit.


nose after

1. 寻找

The police were nosing after the criminal.


nose in

1. 向前靠拢

The ship was nosing in to the dock.


nose into

1. 探听

She is always nosing into other's business.


nose out

1. 发现

The dog has nosed out a rat.


nose up

1. (使)向上升

The plane was nosing high up into the sky.


poke/stick one's nose into

1. 探听; 干涉

It seems that he's a great deal too fond of poking his nose into other's business.


(right) under sb.'s very nose

1. 就在某人眼前

The pen she thought she had lost was actually on her desk, right under her very nose.


2. 当着某人的面

The money was stolen right under their very noses!


turn up one's nose at

1. 对……嗤之以鼻

My two children always turn up their noses at vegetables.


习惯用语a nose of wax1.没有主意的人; 容易受人左右的人2.容易塑捏的东西a nose to light candles at1.[俚]酒鬼的红鼻子, 酒糟鼻子aquiline nose1.鹰钩鼻(as) plain as the nose in [on] your face1.一清二楚, 非常明白bark one's nose1.擦破鼻子before one's nose1.笔直往前; 正在前面bite by the nose1.看不起, 轻蔑bite [snap] sb.'s nose off1.气势汹汹地回答某人bite [cut] off one's nose to spite one's face1.跟自己过不去, 拿自己出气bloody sb.'s nose1.打得某人鼻孔流血; 挫伤某人blow one's nose1.擤鼻子blue noses1.[美]“青鼻子”(美国东北部新英格兰人或加拿大东部的诺法斯科细亚人的外号, 因该地气候极寒, 把人们的鼻子都冻青, 故有此外号)bring [hold, keep, put] one's nose to the grindstone1.不停地干活; 埋头苦干(win) by a nose1.[美](比赛中)以少许之差(输赢)(He passed the examination by a nose. 他差一点儿不及格。)catch sb. on the nose1.击中某人的鼻子cock one's nose1.傲慢地翘起鼻子cannot see beyond (the length of) one's nose [see no further than one's] nose1.鼠目寸光count [tell]noses1.数(支持者的)人数; 计算赞成票数dog's nose1.[俚]杜松子酒掺啤酒follow one's nose1.笔直走2.凭本能行事3.盲目行事from under one's [one's very] nose1.当着某人的面fuddle one's nose1.酩酊大醉get a bloody nose1.受挫折, 受屈辱get it up one's nose1.生气, 发怒2.迷恋, 恋爱get up sb.'s nose1.使某人生气, 激怒某人, 干扰某人have a bad nose1.鼻子不灵, 嗅觉不敏锐have a good nose1.嗅觉灵敏have a nose for news1.善于采访新闻, 善于探听消息have one's nose in a book1.埋头读书have sb.'s nose out of joint1.打乱某人的计划2.挤掉某人(使自己得宠)He that has a great nose thinks everybody is speaking of it.1.[苏]长个大鼻子的人总疑心别人在议论他的鼻子; 作贼心虚。hold up one's nose1.昂首望天, 目中无人; 骄傲自大in spite of sb.'s nose1.不顾某人的反对keep one's nose clean1.[美]不喝酒; 行为正派keep one's nose out of1.不过问, 不干预keep [hold, bring, put]sb.'s nose to the grindstone1.折磨某人; 不给某人片刻休息land sb. one [a blow]on the nose1.一拳打在某人鼻子上lead sb. by the nose1.牵着某人的鼻子走look down one's nose at1.[口]藐视; 瞧不起; 不理会make a long nose at sb.1.(把拇指搁在鼻端, 其余四指张开)对某人表示轻蔑, 嘲弄某人; 嗤之以鼻make sb.'snose swell1.令人羡慕, 使人忌妒measure noses1.遇见; 碰见not to be able to see beyond one's nose1.鼠目寸光; 见识短on the nose1.[美俚]准确, 恰, 正好2.[澳]令人反感, 令人作呕one's nose has lost a joint1.受到排挤; 计划遭到破坏parson's [pope's]nose1.(煮熟的)鸡鸭等禽类的屁股pay through the nose1.付出惊人的巨款, 付出很大代价; 被敲竹杠play with sb.'s nose1.嘲笑某人; 侮弄某人poke [push, put, stick, thrust]one's nose into (other's business)1.插手, 干涉别人的事情powder one's nose1.(妇女上厕所的委婉语)去化妆室, 出去一下pull sb.'s nose (=pull sb. by thenose)1.拉某人的鼻子(一种侮辱性的动作)put one's nose in1.露面, 出现, 到场put sb.'s nose out of joint1.排挤某人, 使某人失宠; 打乱某人的计划, 使某人失望Roman nose1.鹰钩鼻rub sb.'s nose in it1.使某人饱尝不愉快的滋味以资惩戒; 刮某人的鼻子, 给某人鼻子抹灰run at the nose1.流鼻涕saddle one's nose1.戴眼镜see beyond one's nose (=see beyond the end of one's nose)1.有远见, 有眼光(常用于否定句)show one's nose1.露面, 出现; 到场speak through one's nose1.用鼻音说话thumb one's nose (at) sb.1.(对...)作蔑视的手势(把拇指搁在鼻端, 其余四指张开); [喻]无视, 拒不服从turn up one's nose at1.轻视, 瞧不起under sb.'s (very) nose1.就在某人眼前2.当着某人的面, 公开white nose1.白色的小浪头wipe sb.'s nose (of)1.从某人手中夺取或骗取with one's nose at the grindstone1.费力地, 辛辛苦苦地做活[过日子等]with one's nose in the air1.神气活现, 自高自大, 目空一切nose about[around]1.到处嗅; 打听; 刺探nose after[for]1.探索, 搜索nose down1.(飞机机首朝下)(使)下降nose into1.驶往; 打听; 干预nose out1.嗅出, 闻出; 察觉出2.险胜nose over1.(飞机)翻身, 机首着地而翻转nose to nose1.面对面nose up1.(飞机机首朝上)升起; 使升起特殊用法actual nose of crossing1.实际辙叉心, 辙叉实际尖端blunt nose1.辙叉实际尖端bucket nose1.桶嘴cam nose1.凸轮尖cam lock spindle nose1.凸轮锁紧轴端common screw nose1.普通丝杠端conical nose1.锥形头部converter nose1.转炉[吹炉]炉鼻copper nose1.褐鼻病distance between nose and fine nose1.辙叉尖端和理论尖端间的距离dog nose1.【医】鼻骨增殖性骨膜炎, 巨鼻feeder nose1.给料机嘴flat nose1.【军】平凸弹头four-point nose1.四点测角头Grecian nose1.希腊鼻; 鼻梁直的鼻子(绘画等用作标准的模特儿)guide nose1.导尖, 导突, 导鼻hemispherical nose1.半球形头部hot nose1.头部(测量数据)传感器non-pointed nose1.钝头部nonslender nose1.非细长头部ogival nose1.卵形头部pivoted nose1.枢接头部pointed nose1.尖头radiused punch nose1.凸模端部圆角rounded nose1.圆形头sharp-pointed nose1.尖锥形头部slip nose1.嵌[插]入式铧尖spindle nose1.轴头主轴端[鼻, 头部]threaded spindle nose1.螺纹主轴端theoretical nose of crossing1.辙叉理论尖端tool nose1.刀尖transparent nose1.头部整流罩nose of pier1.桥墩尖端nose of punch1.冲头端部, 凸模头部nose of wing1.翼前缘