come/get to the point

1. 谈到要点; 直截了当地说

We're now in a hurry, so come to the point.

我们现在时间很紧, 你就直截了当说吧。

in point of

1. 就……而言

In point of cost, we'll have to discuss it at the next meeting.

至于费用方面, 我们只好留到下次会议再讨论。

make a point of doing

1. 特别注意做; 重视做

She made a point of sending a birthday present to her best friend.


not to put too fine a point on it

1. 坦率地说

Not to put too fine a point on it, we don't think his paintings are so good.

坦率地说, 我们并不认为他的画水平很高。

off the point

1. 不切题

I'm afraid what you're saying now is off the point.


on the point of

1. 在……之际; 正要

She was on the point of going out when the telephone rang.

她正要出去, 电话铃响了。

point out

1. 指出

He pointed out the mistake to me.


point to

1. 表明

All this points to the same conclusion.


to the point

1. 中肯, 扼要

Please be concise and to the point.


to the point of

1. 到达……的程度

His manner of speaking was direct to the point of rudeness.
