A light purse makes a heavy heart.

1. 为人无钱心事重。

One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

1. 巧妇难为无米之炊。

习惯用语A beggar's purse is bottomless .1.乞丐的口袋无底, 乞丐的口袋是填不满的。A heavy purse makes a light heart.1.[谚]袋里有钱, 心里不慌。A light purse is a heavy curse.1.[谚]为人无钱处处难。A light purse makes a heavy heart.1.[谚]为人无钱心事重。beyond sb.'s purse1.贵得使某人买不起button up one's purse1.拒绝给钱common purse1.共有的资金[钱财]dip into one's purse1.花钱ease [relieve] sb. of his purse1.把某人偷光[抢光]Fortunatus's purse1.取之不尽的钱袋heavy [big, fat, long well-lined] purse1.充实的钱包; 有钱, 富有lay up a purse1.积蓄金钱light [lean, short, slender] purse1.空空的钱包; 贫穷make a silk purse out of a sow's ear1.把劣材制成美器; 把顽劣的人改造为好人make (up) a purse1.募捐, 筹款2.储蓄, 攒钱national purse1.国库One cannot make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.1.[谚]朽木雕不成美器。open one's purse1.解囊, 出钱privy purse1.王室费2.掌管王室费的官吏put up a purse (=give a purse)1.捐献奖金; 悬赏We have found Fortunatus's purse.1.我们大走财运。Who holds the purse rules the house.1.有钱就有势。purse and person1.财与人