on the spur of the moment

1. 随兴所至; 一时冲动

He bought the car on the spur of the moment.


He asked her to marry him on the spur of the moment.


I just took the bus on the spur of the moment.


习惯用语need the spur1.需要用靴刺踢, 需加激励on [upon] the spur1.飞快地, 火急on the spur of the moment1.一时冲动之下; 不加思索地2.毫无准备地, 当场, 即席; 当时, 即刻put [set] spurs to1.用靴刺踢, 激励win [gain] one's spurs1.【史】因功被封为骑士; 得到荣誉; 飞黄腾达, 出名with whip and spur (=with spur and yard)1.快马加鞭地, 立刻, 马上spur on1.鞭策..., 激励..., 疾驰特殊用法basal spur1.基距conical spur1.锥距coxal spur1.基节刺, 基节距external spur1.外距facetted spur1.三角(山)嘴, 削切(山)坡, 截切山嘴fruit spur1.果枝galactic radio spur1.银河射电支internal spur1.内距meander spur1.【地质】曲流山嘴nectariferous spur1.蜜距non-slipping spur1.防滑块North Polar S-1.北银极射电支pole spur1.极靴凸出部分praecostal spur1.缘前拟脉tarsal spur1.跗节距tibia [tibial] spur1.胫距trimmed spur1.修切山嘴trochanter spur1.转节距truncated spur1.削断山嘴