

rog= to ask 要求;问

abrogate v. 取消

ab 去掉 + rog 要求;问 + ate 做,造成,使… → 去掉要求〔的权利〕→ 取消

arrogance n. 傲慢

ar 表加强 + rog 要求;问 + ance 表状态 → 傲慢

arrogant adj. 傲慢的

ar 加强 + rog 要求;问 + ant …的 → 无理要求的 → 傲慢的

arrogate v. 霸占;擅取

ar 加强 + rog 要求;问 + ate 做,造成,使… → 一再要求得到 → 霸占

derogate v. 毁损;堕落

de 向下 + rog 要求;问 + ate 做,造成,使… → 要求低下 → 堕落

derogatory adj. 贬低的

de 向下 + rog 要求;问 + atory 有…性质的 → 贬低的

interrogate v. 审问

inter 相互 + rog 要求;问 + ate 做,造成,使… → 一问一答 → 审问

prerogative n. 特权

pre 预先 + rog 要求;问 + ative 有…倾向(性质)的,属于…的 → 可预先要求 → 特权

rogue n. 无赖,骗子

rog 要求;问 + ue → 提出过分要求的人 → 无赖

1 相反

abnormal adj. 反常的

ab 相反 + normal 正常的 → 反常的

absent adj. 缺席的

abs 相反 + ent 存在 → 不在 → 缺席的

abstain v. 戒绝

abs 相反 + tain 拿住 → 不拿 → 戒绝

abstinence n. 节制;禁欲

abs 相反 + tin 拿住 + ence 表状态 → 不让拿 → 节制;禁欲

abstruse adj. 难懂的,深奥的

abs 相反 + trus 推,冲 + e →〔思维〕冲不进 → 难懂的

abuse v. 滥用

ab 相反 + use 用 → 不〔正常〕使用 → 滥用

abuse n. 滥用

2 去掉,离去

abdicate v. 退位

ab 去掉,离去 + dic 说话 + ate 使… → 离开说话的位置 → 退位

abduct v. 诱拐

ab 去掉,离去 + duct 引导 → 引走 → 诱拐

abject adj. 可怜的

ab 去掉,离去 + ject 扔 → 被人扔掉 → 可怜的

abjure v. 发誓,(承诺)放弃

ab 去掉,离去 + jur 发誓 + e → 发誓离开 → 发誓,〔承诺〕放弃

abrade v. 磨损

ab 去掉,离去 + rad 擦 + e → 擦掉 → 磨损

abrogate v. 废除,废止

ab 去掉,离去 + rog 要求 + ate 做,造成,使… → 要求离开 → 废除

abrupt adj. 突然的

ab 去掉,离去 + rupt 断 → 突然断开 → 突然的

abscise v. 切除

abs 去掉,离去 + cis 切 + e → 切掉 → 切除

absorb v. 吸收

ab 去掉,离去 + sorb 吸收 → 吸收掉 → 吸收

abstract adj. 抽象的

abs 去掉,离去 + tract 拉 → 将[具体意义]抽走 → 抽象的



Where application would abrogate rights guaranteed by Native American treaties.


Other situations in which PBC considers necessary to abrogate post-holding qualification.


"He recognized that you can't just abrogate contracts willy-nilly, but he moved to do what could be done," Larry Summers, Obama's chief economic adviser, told the AP in an interview Tuesday.

“他知道你不能被迫取消合同,但他做了应该做的事情,”Obama的首席经济顾问Larry Summers在周二的一次访谈中告诉美联社。

While nominally handing massive new budget powers to the DNI the law also makes clear that he will not "abrogate the statutory responsibilities" of any existing intelligence related agency.


President Bush intends to abrogate US sovereignty to the North American Union, a new economic and political entity which the President is quietly forming, much as the European Union has formed.


In consideration of the comparison between the costs of the control of the capital account and the benefits of the abrogation of the said control, China shall abrogate the control of capital account without hesitation.
