

ad- 做…或加强

adapt v. 适应

ad 做…或加强 + apt 适应 → 适应

addict v. 上瘾,入迷

ad 做…或加强 + dict〔= dic说〕→ 一再说起 → 上瘾

adduce v. 引证,举例

ad 做…或加强 + duc 引导 + e → 一再引导 → 引证,举例

adept adj. 熟练的

ad 做…或加强 + ept 能力 → 很有能力 → 熟练的

adhere v. 坚持;粘附

ad 做…或加强 + her 粘 + e → 坚持;粘附

adjacent adj. 邻近的

ad 做…或加强 + jac 躺 + ent 具有…性质的 → 躺在一起 → 邻近的

adjust v. 调整

ad 做…或加强 + just 正确 → 使正确 → 调整

administrate v. 管理;执行

ad 做…或加强 + ministr 管理 + ate 做 → 管理;执行

admire v. 羡慕

ad 做…或加强 + mir 惊 + e → 很惊喜 → 羡慕

admonish v. 告诫,警告

ad 做…或加强 + mon 警告 + ish 使… → 一再警告 → 告诫

adopt v. 收养;采纳

ad 做…或加强 + opt 选择 → 做选择 → 采纳

adumbrate v. 预示

ad 做…或加强 + umbr 影子 + ate 造成 → 出现影子 → 预示

advent n. 来临

ad 做…或加强 + vent 来 → 来临

adventure v. 冒险

ad 做…或加强 + venture 冒险 → 冒险



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The premise and the basis for parties bearing adduce proof was that the parties were given by law the right to investigate and collect evidence.


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