

1 = skill 技巧

article n. 物品;文章

art 技巧 + icle 小 → 用技巧做〔写〕出来的东西 → 物品;文章

artifact n. 工艺品

arti 技巧 + fact 做 → 有技巧地做出来 → 工艺品

artifice n. 技巧

arti 技巧 + fic 做 + e → 技巧

artisan n. 工匠,技工

artis〔= arti〕技巧 + an 精通…的人 → 工匠,技工

2 = joint 关节

articular adj. 关节的

art 关节 + icular 属于…的 → 关节的

articulate v. (关节)咬合;咬字清楚

art 关节 + iculate → 像关节一样〔字字入扣〕→ 咬字清楚

3 = trick 诡计

artful adj. 狡猾的

art 诡计 + ful …的 → 狡猾的

artificial adj. 矫揉造作的

arti 诡计 + fic 做 + ial …的 → 做诡计 → 矫揉造作的

artless adj. 纯真的;粗笨的

art 诡计 + less 无…的 → 纯真的;粗笨的



The use of mirrors in a room is an artifice to make the room look larger.


Unlike Nabokov, these writers are not trying to make a language that is autonomous and separate from the world, so you will not see the kind of artifice and the labored attention to form.


Dongya's artifice offsets the violence of his narratives and calls into question the implications of a contemporary virtual reality.


So, why are we tackling on the artifice in a musical performance? If it had not been in Beijing, if the opening ceremony had not gone so great, it would not have stir up such fire in the first place.


The anchor person language artifice can not sketchy, do a thing carelessly therefore, the ability wielding language artifice only when much better lets the vivid sum of program vigour get up.


Emma saw its artifice, and returned to her first surmises.
