

scrib, script= to write 写

ascribe v. 把…归于

a 加强 + scrib 写 + e → 把账记在…头上 → 归因于

ascribable adj. 可归因于…的

a 加强 + scrib 写 + able 可…的 → 可归因于…的

circumscribe v. 立界限;限定

circum 环绕 + scrib 写 + e → 画一个圈 → 立界限;限定

conscribe v. 征募

con 共同 + scrib 写 + e → 大家写上〔名字〕→ 征募

describe v. 描写

de 加强 + scrib 写 + e → 着重写 → 描写

description n. 描绘

de 加强 + script 写 + ion 表动作 → 描绘

inscribe v. 铭刻

in 进入 + scrib 写 + e → 写进去 → 铭刻

inscription n. 铭刻;碑文

in 进入 + script 写 + ion 表物 → 铭刻;碑文

manuscript n. 手抄本;原稿

manu 手 + script 写 → 手抄本;原稿

postscript n. (信等)附言

post 后 + script 写 → 写在后面〔的文字〕→ 附言

prescribe v. 开药方;指示

pre 预先 + scrib 写 + e → 预先写好要求 → 指示

prescript n. 法令,命令

pre 预先 + script 写 → 预先写下的东西 → 命令,法令

prescription n. 处方;命令

pre 前;预先 + script 写 + ion,prescript 的名词 → 处方;命令

scribble v. 乱写

scribb〔= scrib〕写 + le 表反复,连续 → 乱写

scribe n. 书法家

scrib 写 + e → 书法家

scribe v. 画线

script n. 原本,脚本

scripture n. 圣经;经典

script 写 + ure 行为有关的物 → 写出的〔宗教作品〕原本 → 圣经

subscribe v. 订阅;认购

sub 下 + scrib 写 + e → 在单子下面写上名字 → 订阅;认购

subscriber n. 订户;捐助人

subscrib〔e〕订阅;认购 + er 表名词 → 订户;捐助人

transcribe v. 抄写,誊写

trans 转移 + scrib 写 + e → 写到别的地方 → 抄写

transcript n. 副本,抄本

trans 转移 + script 写 → 副本,抄本



We are told that they ascribe the same property only if they are not only true of the same things but also are alike in meaning.


And that which you ascribe to me is mired in your controversies.


Even if you're not superstitious, it's hard not to ascribe other people's good fortune to luck.


And it is not a sufficient explanation to ascribe them exclusively to the degrees of knowledge possessed at different times and places, of the laws of nature and the physical arts of life.


As Buck thought about it some more, he could only ascribe his involvement to his articulate brother.


You can't ascribe the same meaning to both words.
