

-ade 表名词
1 动作,动作的结果

blockade n. 封锁

block 阻塞 + ade 动作,动作的结果 → 封锁

cannonade n. 炮击

cannon 大炮 + ade 动作,动作的结果 → 炮击

cascade n. 小瀑布

casc〔= cas落下〕+ ade 动作,动作的结果 → 小瀑布

decade n. 十年

dec 十 + ade 动作,动作的结果 → 十年

2 某些水果制成的饮料,某种材料的制成物

arcade n. 拱廊

arc 拱形 + ade 某种材料的制成物 → 拱廊

barricade n. 障碍物

barr〔= bar栅栏〕+ ic + ade 某些水果制成的饮料,某种材料的制成物 → 障碍物

colonnade n. 柱廊

colonn〔= column柱子〕+ ade 某种材料的制成物 → 柱廊

lemonade n. 柠檬水

lemon 柠檬 + ade 某些水果制成的饮料 → 柠檬水

orangeade n. 桔子水

orange 桔子 + ade 某些水果制成的饮料 → 桔子水

3 某种行动的个人或集体

brigade n. 旅,队

brig 战斗 + ade 某种行动的个人或集体 → 旅,队

cavalcade n. 骑兵队

cavalc〔= caval马〕+ ade 某种行动的个人或集体 → 骑兵队

crusade n. 十字军

crus 十字 + ade 某种行动的个人或集体 → 十字军

renegade n. 叛徒

re 相反 + neg 否认 + ade 某种行动的个人或集体 → 反过来否认原来的〔派别〕→ 叛徒



The terrace was embraced by the two arms of the colonnade.


Because of its distinctive climate and culture in Guangzhou, it forms a building type of Colonnade.


Sebastian had been supine on the sunny seat in the colonnade, as he was now.


While waiting in the floodlit colonnade of the mansion for his car, Hagen saw two women about to enter a long limousine already parked in the driveway.


Structural design of light railway station supported by tree-shaped colonnade with long cantilever


Greek houses included a walled court or garden usually surrounded by a colonnade.
