

sal(i)= salt 盐

desalinate v. 脱盐

de 去掉 + salin〔= sali〕盐 + ate 做,造成,使… → 去掉盐 → 脱盐

desalination n. 脱盐

de 去掉 + salin 盐 + ation 行为,过程,状态,结果 → 脱盐

desalinize v. 除去盐分

de 去掉 + salin 盐 + ize 使 → 除去盐分

salary n. 工资

sal 盐 + ary 表物 → 古代工钱以给盐多少计算 → 工资

salify v. 使成盐

sali 盐 + fy 使… → 使成盐

saline adj. 含盐的

sal 盐 + ine …的 → 含盐的

salinity n. 含盐量

salin〔e〕盐 + ity 具备某种性质,状况 → 含盐量

salty adj. 咸的

sal 盐 + ty 表状态 → 咸的



In the political aspect, it is necessary to treat class properties scientifically and desalinize officer's standard consciousness, and practically analyze the intellectuals 'political roles.


9.11 attack and anti-terrorism war made the influence of the traditional geopolitical view desalinize to some extent, but the substantive change has not taken place in geopolitics essence.


In order to make the negotiation proceeds effectively and the hostages rescued smoothly, the police have to try every means to build new positive attention points and desalinize, disperse, skew, dispelling its unfavorable attention.


With the modern information industry, high development of the communications, various and unified world building culture surmounts the region demarcation line rapidly, cause the local architectural style to desalinize constantly;


In nowadays, the leading role of technology makes the humane factor in educational technology discipline shrink and desalinize, the inclination of humane development crisis has appeared;
