

junct, join= to join 结合, 连接

adjoin v. 毗连,接壤

ad 加强 + join 结合,连接 → 紧密相连 → 毗连

adjunct n. 附属物;助手

ad 加强 + junct 结合,连接 → 加上连接 → 附属物

conjunction n. 结合;连接词

con 共同 + junct 结合,连接 + ion 表动作 → 共同连接在一起 → 结合

conjuncture n. (事情同时发生的)关头,危机时刻

con 共同 + juncture 连接点 → 所有事连到一起 →〔事情同时发生的〕关头

disjoin v. 分开,拆散

dis 分离 + join 结合,连接 → 连接断开 → 分开

disjointed adj. 脱节的;散乱的

dis 不 + joint 结合,连接 + ed 表形容词 → 脱节的;散乱的

disjunction n. 分离;折断

dis 分离 + junction 接合;交汇点 → 分离;折断

enjoin v. 命令,吩咐

en 使… + join 结合,连接 → 使结合 → 命令〔加入〕

injunction n. 命令;禁止

in 不 + junction 接合;交汇点 → 不让连接 → 禁止

joint n. 关节;连接

join 结合,连接 + t → 将身体的各个部分连接到一起 → 关节

junction n. 接合;交汇点

junct 结合,连接 + ion 表名词 → 接合;交汇点

juncture n. 接合,连接

junct 结合,连接 + ure 表行为 → 接合,连接

rejoin v. 再结合,重聚

re 一再 + join 结合,连接 → 重新连接 → 重聚

rejoinder n. 回答,答辩

re 一再 + join 结合,连接 + der →〔别人说完了〕再接上 → 回答

subjoin v. (在末尾)添加,增补

sub 下 + join 结合,连接 → 从下面接上 → 增补



In short, health systems are unfair, disjointed, inefficient and less effective than they could be.


He is rather disjointed when he ad-libs.


Thereupon her whistling became so disjointed that the listener, if such there were, must have discovered her suspicion of his presence.


The trees are not disjointed, however; each mount node in the copied tree is shared with the corresponding mount node in the initial tree.


In the representation on the right, a disjointed string is combined using a concatenation node.


Yet clinical care for these diseases is often disjointed and TB and HIV/ AIDS control programmes must have a more coordinated approach, says the editorial.
