

junct, join= to join 结合, 连接

adjoin v. 毗连,接壤

ad 加强 + join 结合,连接 → 紧密相连 → 毗连

adjunct n. 附属物;助手

ad 加强 + junct 结合,连接 → 加上连接 → 附属物

conjunction n. 结合;连接词

con 共同 + junct 结合,连接 + ion 表动作 → 共同连接在一起 → 结合

conjuncture n. (事情同时发生的)关头,危机时刻

con 共同 + juncture 连接点 → 所有事连到一起 →〔事情同时发生的〕关头

disjoin v. 分开,拆散

dis 分离 + join 结合,连接 → 连接断开 → 分开

disjointed adj. 脱节的;散乱的

dis 不 + joint 结合,连接 + ed 表形容词 → 脱节的;散乱的

disjunction n. 分离;折断

dis 分离 + junction 接合;交汇点 → 分离;折断

enjoin v. 命令,吩咐

en 使… + join 结合,连接 → 使结合 → 命令〔加入〕

injunction n. 命令;禁止

in 不 + junction 接合;交汇点 → 不让连接 → 禁止

joint n. 关节;连接

join 结合,连接 + t → 将身体的各个部分连接到一起 → 关节

junction n. 接合;交汇点

junct 结合,连接 + ion 表名词 → 接合;交汇点

juncture n. 接合,连接

junct 结合,连接 + ure 表行为 → 接合,连接

rejoin v. 再结合,重聚

re 一再 + join 结合,连接 → 重新连接 → 重聚

rejoinder n. 回答,答辩

re 一再 + join 结合,连接 + der →〔别人说完了〕再接上 → 回答

subjoin v. (在末尾)添加,增补

sub 下 + join 结合,连接 → 从下面接上 → 增补



The judge enjoined Varityper from using the ad in any way.


Enjoin a person from infringing ( on) the rights of another person Stopping encroaching is the traditional resuce method in civil tort.


Payroll and financial statement in relation to the payment of social insurance premiums, the administrative departments of labor security shall enjoin it to make corrections, and may impose a fine of less than 10 thousand yuan.


The government tried to enjoin The Post from publishing, just as it had The Times, but the Supreme Court ultimately ruled in favor of both papers.


All departments should enjoin their subordinate units to participate in the all-round improvement of social security, while integrating it with their professional work and play their respective roles.


Religion and morality enjoin this conduct.
