

duc, duct= to lead, to bring 引导;带来

abduct v. 诱拐

ab 离开 + duct 引导;带来 → 引开 → 诱拐

aqueduct n. 导水管

aque〔= aqua 水〕+ duct 引导;带来 → 导水管

conduct n./v. 行为;指挥

con 共同 + duct 引导;带来 → 引导共同做 → 指挥

deduce v. 推论,演绎

de 向下 + duc 引导;带来 + e → 向下引出 → 推论

deduction n. 推论,演绎


duct n. 管,导管(用于引导传送物品)

ductile adj. 可塑的,可拉长的

duct 引导;带来 + ile 易…的 → 易引导的 → 可塑的

educate v. 教育;养育

e 加强 + duc 引导;带来 + ate 做,造成,使… → 不断引导 → 教育

educe v. 引出,引起

e 出 + duc 引导;带来 + e → 引出,引起

eduction n. 引出;推断


induce v. 劝诱,诱导

in 进入 + duc 引导;带来 + e → 引进去 → 诱导

induct v. 引导;传授

in 加以… + duct 引导;带来 → 引导;传授

introduce v. 介绍;引入

intro 进入 + duc 引导;带来 + e → 介绍;引入

produce v. 生产

produce n. 生产;农产品

pro 向前 + duce 引导;带来 → 向前产出 → 生产

product n. 产物;产品

pro 向前 + duct 引导;带来 → 向前产出的东西 → 产品

productive adj. 生产的;多产的

pro 向前 + duc 引导;带来 + tive …的 → 生产的;多产的

productivity n. 生产力;生产活动

pro 向前 + duc 引导;带来 + tivity → 生产力;生产活动

reduce v. 降低,减少

re 回 + duc 引导;带来 + e → 引回 → 减少

seduce v. 勾引;诱奸

se 离开 + duc 引导;带来 + e → 引导…离开 → 勾引

seduction n. 引诱;诱惑力


ventiduct n. 通风道

venti〔= vent 风〕+ duct 引导;带来 → 通风道

viaduct n. 高架桥

via 道路 + duct 引导;带来 → 引导〔汽车通行〕的道路 → 高架桥



The government shoulders ethic obligation, she has to induct and maintain the rationalization of the living world.


She inducts Nina into the cult.


Developing the way that replaces an industry is policy guide and drive, 2 be from be introduced domestic and internationally and induct, 3 it is proper motion development and development.


The results of experiment show that rough sets not only are a good framework for knowledge acquirement, but also Can accurately induct the rules of plant diseases.


It will induct the harvest, and then analyze the weaknesses and difficulty of implementation.


This is a verb which means to induct into office or make a formal beginning.
